Ok, which one of us did this?

Bungie is in full lockdown, devs are moved to secure safehouses and a full media blackout has been instated. Are you happy now?

Attached: bungie.png (971x2559, 1.4M)


No because they are still alivr

It must suck to still like Halo today. I got in on Combat Evolved and system link Xbox's and got out after that.

Qrd? I'm always happy to see western developers implode but what is this about?

It really does.

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How are there so many people still playing this shit game to get that many downboats

Also I fucking doubt any of this shit is worse than after Halo 2

lol based fans

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>Guy making a reasonable claim calling out Bungie and their bullshit gets downvoted to oblivion
>Community manager wuth the weasely "muh harassment" response get tons of upvotes

I would say nuke the fuck out of Reddit but i dont want any of those limp wristed cunts coming here

Attached: disgust4.png (935x720, 240.09K)

> Redditors favorite D2 skinner box class gets nerfed
> Sends death threats, doxes dev or starts spam calling their home phones
> Developers stop talking to the community

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Looks like a pretty cool JoJo stand

all this because of twilight garrison
how has one exotic cucked nu bungie employees so hard

They deserve everything they got for being shit devs.

Deleting DLC that I paid for. Literal scum company I wish those threats were real and not an excuse

go back

>Guy says all you get are a few harassing comments and some empty online threats
>other guy kicks back saying they get "real threats"

Has anyone fucking died? Been assaulted? Literally anything in person and not a few nasty emails or phone calls to devs or their family? If not, the dev basically proved the other guy right.

This is the most Reddit image I've ever seen.

There were no threats of any kind. It's just a narrative.

This. Anytime someone invokes "death threats" they're just trying to deflect criticism away by making themselves victims.

I remember reading posts from people on various sites about how much better Destiny was gonna be when Bungie left Acitivision. How fucking wrong that was.

To these people the words "Kill yourself" is a death threat.
"I hope you die" is a death threat.
Even the quirky, "I hope you wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night with existential dread that something just isn't quite right in your home. I want you to have to check every corner, search every closet, jiggle every door handle, and relock every window just to feel secure. Then I hope you stub your fucking toe on the top step back to your bedroom."
is a death threat.

If it invokes the words kill, death, dead, corpse, body, or any form of mutilation, torture, or maiming then they will weasel it into a death threat accusation.
"Fucking die." to them is a death threat.
So they get to take the handful of people that send them a DM that says "I hope you fucking die for nerfing Bazooka Joe Blaster 9000" they get to take that as a personal threat against their life.

And since they're game devs that work for a corporation with corporate lawyers these so-called death threats are "serious business"
Whereas anybody else just deals with those types of words and shrugs them off. Only the most flimsy-wristed thin-skinned people would consider "You dying would improve the world" as a death threat.
It's a statement of opinion. A negative one. Edgelord behavior even. But it isn't a threat.

how many game devs have gotten murdered by upset fans?

Not enough

>t. unhinged lefty

They probably think it's a death threat when someone posts these "nice argument, but I'm in your house" pics. I find them hilarious.

Why is this constantly a problem with western devs? When are they going to figure out that they should just offload all public relations to public relations firms like every other industry does?

I work in finance and in literally says in my employment contract that I am not allowed to interact with press or the public regarding my job without authorization. If I do without permission I will be sacked.

But not western devs, oh no. They love to just have disaster after disaster and gaff after gaff making a giant fucking clownshow of public relations disasters. While it makes for good entertainment when are they going to fucking learn?

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It's the new era of public relations. Billion dollar corporations like to talk about how victimized they are, and then use it to deflect criticism (like they have continuously for over a decade). The flood of posts like these over the past year is no coincidence. This is no different than a decade ago when EA Games said anyone who hated their games was really saying they hated the gays.

It's just another way to avoid taking responsibility for doing subpar work for a subpar business.

I don't even longer halo, but the fact that these SJW faggots take a beloved game and shred it to pieces because politics and movie making are more important than gaming to them. These people need to die because they have committed crimes against humanity

the way the updoot downdoot system on reddit is weaponized is hilarious. cant deviate from whatever subreddits status quo is or else your opinion is instantly discarded.

More and more companies are getting on board the "buy a bunch of like bots" train. Of course not all of the votes are bots. Not only is it costly, but it's unnecessary. To get the snowball effect you just need to purchase a few dozen upvote/downvote bots from some chinamen. Then mob mentality takes over.

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Be honest Any Forums, if your woke boss allowed you to take paid time off after someone online "harassed" you, you would take it too.