Fire Emblem: Three Houses

>I'm hurt... But I'm with you.
OG Claude is such a bro. I refuse to even touch his route in hopes.

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kill the lizards, pussy

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King Khalid
Fabulous He
Claude von Riegan!

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why didn't claude get a new haircut in the fanfic game?

If I wipe all the Jews off the face of the earth, Hitler will have no excuse to continue the war.

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>hurrr flawed characters r bad

There's a difference between flawed characters and dogshit writing.

because nobody cares about claude, not even kt


imagine being """"""""""""master tactician"""""""""""" and getting outplayed by a retarded midget

Are Dark Bishop's absorb abilities worth it?

he's not really flawed. he's just retarded

I love my wife Bernie!

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Gamers are just not mentally ready for any protagonist to have depth or moral ambiguity. Maybe in a few decades.

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Claudes awful characterization and motivations are only half the problem. The other half is that the route acts like you're actually doing something heroic. Everyone in the game just blindly agrees with claude despite how idiotic he is being.

>i don't know how to write characters so it's the audience's fault
imagine being an indie dev

berniebro, what did you think of hopes. Were you satisfied with how they treated your wife?

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>yiik guy quote
lol. anyways people DO like claude forma 3 hopes, you just have to get off of Any Forums and onto edelgard twitter

I think the game is alright. I actually finished GW today so I completed all the routes. They left all the endings pretty open, the war continues on, which means DLC maybe? Anyways, I liked how 3Hopes treated Bernie. She was very cute. I liked her support with Marianne.

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This is how he was suppose to be before they ran out of time.

That literally makes no sense. How did they make Claude in Three Houses if they ran out of time? There's an entire character that exists in that game named Claude. That took time to make. Time that they could have used to make something else but chose not to.

>felix seething over areadbhar faaling into enemy hands not just because it is dmitri's last keepsake of his father but because it's the symbol of the kingdom
details like these are pretty cool. i wish the whole game was written with the same care as these small events

One of my three hopes was that it played well, but half of the classes feel like shit. I like Houses and its setting bit I just can't get the motivation to play Hopes all the way through.