Just got into it

What's Any Forums's thoughts on it?

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Like all multiplayer competitive games, it gets less fun the more you learn and the more you realize what a spinners box diceroll queuing up is.

I like Teemo and I like Yordle porn. Everything else about LoL is trash.

It's complete trash today, but if you're having fun with it, enjoy it while it lasts.

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>What's Any Forums's thoughts on it?
It's popular, so take a guess.

I want to have sex with most of the female characters.

>starting LoL
Brah, why would you do this to yourself. Life is not THAT bad.

It's all about ARAM, bro. The rift is fun when you're learning, but there's a point where that environment becomes way too toxic and you'll get stuck in shitty games that take too long so you just want to run short, brawler type games and that's where ARAM comes in. GLHF, mate!


give her the garen

Only fun I've ever had in it was playing support Singed and just fighting in bottom lane all game long
Game's dogshit

I love playing jungle.

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It's just Dota but chinky and bad
If you have to play an ASSFAG play basically anything else

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lol what rank is this?

Adults play Dota

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ARAMs and URF are fun occasionally, Lich Bane on Lux used to be fun as fuck

My thought on it is if you want to play a shitty moba game, play Pokemon Unite instead.
-Made by the same company
-Doesn't take thousands of hours of grind to be good at
-Not nearly as addictively designed so it wont ruin your life
-Much more generous with content
-Shorter matches that don't take a fucking literal hour to get through

I mean I would suggest not playing Moba games at all but the Pokemon Moba is more fun, less addictive and doesn't require thousands of hours of grind for you to be able to play it at a high level.

Unite has like, literal zero fucking depth to it though

>just got into it

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You're right that it has too little depth, but I'd rather have that than too much depth, which requires you to waste a thousand hours of your life on a video game to get good at it. Pokemon Unite is something you can fuck around with for a few hours when you're bored now and then. League of legends is a job you are not paid for.

I am not exaggerating when I say that league of legends will literally ruin your life. All of your joy, happiness, hope, everything you hold dear will be gone if you play this game.

Most people who are interested in this genre aren't as casual as you are user