
>Wants to kill people because he's fixated on his "art".
>Mage that wants to conquer a country
>Evil horseman who just wants to kill people, even in undeath
>Literal demon born from the suffering of countless people during the rune wars

League of Legends has the most refreshingly straightforward villains in vidya right now. I love it.

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i never understood why people thought lore mattered in multiplayer only games

It gives flavor to your choice.

LoL has shit lore and shit gameplay.

killing people is based
disagree = reddit

People still play assfaggots?

Crazy to me that there are so many ahrifags simping for a b tier while Eve and MF exist.

Attached: Evelynn_0.jpg (1215x717, 149.43K)

>twisted fate
>used to be based and was evelynns lover
>he is now a bottom for Graves and has a buttplug

>still no Skarner rework

Love my scorpion but his model/artwork hasn't been updated in more than 8 years. Barely even gets skins

Didn't he win the poll?

I voted for him but honestly if he becomes "good" then I bet he'll lose a lot of his appeal for the small number of people that play him. Being an underdog is undoubtedly part of his charm.

I liked her more before the rework

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what are assfaggots?

I thought you were making a list of Pokemon romhack villains

>Watching video on LoR interactions
>One comment says they want Vi to get a complete design change because she apparently looks like a whore even though her entire body is fully covered
>Start saying shit like the new Cait design is better
Why are they like this? I'm beginning to miss the coomer era of LoL because now they're going full pozzed.

Old league lore was kinda fun because it was just random one off champions with cool lore thrown into an arena together to fight as a proxy war.

I dont even know what modern league bullshit justifies summoner rift because it doesn't make sense anymore to have the arena serving as a proxy. Do summoners even exist anymore? I really don't give a shit but the modern lore is too try hard for me to give half a shit. Just give me a loli with a fire bear.

Watch every single of them getting gay ass backstories and becoming pro lgbt, becoming ruined in the process.

>summoners even exist anymore?

no they did away with that, I always thought it was gay anyway

Then what the fuck are summoner spells?
Why do people even fight in the stupid map?

i think thats the only reference to "summoner" in the game, maybe Sona and Cho still use that word i dont know

but summoner spells are basically just get out of jail cards for retards

I meant in lore.
Man neo-league is stupid. No wonder they have to retcon Champs every other day.

They want vi to be masculine and ugly like their trash netflix show. It's weird to see them throw around terms like "whore" as an insult when they're the kinds of people that unironically use the phrase "sex worker" and would have a meltdown if you called any real woman a whore for dressing a certain way.

oh its completely gone in the lore, theres no reference to it anywhere i think

People claim this but new girls are still always sexy. Most skins are still sexy.
They even gave Zoe a swimsuit, even if it wasn't a bikini.

Sure there's more "cool" skins. But they always had anticoom skins and Champs as well. Lux's steel legion comes to mind for example. And karma was always unfuckable.

>star guardian
>chop sonas tits off
>nilah in general
>ashkan and ekko
It's over Califags won. So much for based Chinese coomers