People are given the option to have the first black male US president

>people are given the option to have the first black male US president
>they take it
>people are given the option to have the first female US president
>they reject it
>people are given the option to have the first black male GTA main character
>they take it
>people are given the option to have the first female GTA main character

Attached: CJ.jpg (180x254, 6.22K)

Except you don’t vote for who gets to be a vidya protagonist you fucking dumbass

there were blacks and females in the first GTA. I think there was even a black female.

No but sales and public opinion determine whether the protagonist choice was a wise one

Did you know we had a female Prime Minister in Canada? She did so poorly that she only had 1 or 2 seats after the election, we'd joke that a Honda Civic had more seats than her. We'll never get a female Prime Minister in Canada now (and that's a good thing).

to be fair there actually was initial backlash by some white gamers when it was first announced that the lead character and the setting would be black and "hood"
Then people actually played the game and realized it was genuinely a great game despite whatever racist beliefs they might have held about blacks in general

Fun fact. You still have a woman PM.

Niggas at least have a gangster culture that fits the mold of the game and it makes sense, and even if i don't like or care for rap culture and all that shit, it still worked.
Now, what the fuck will i do as a latina? Fool 5 guys into making babies so i can collect money? onlyfans? smuggle shit into prison and do intimate visits for real gangsters?

She did win though.

>Now, what the fuck will i do as a latina?
Be moderately attractive as a teenager then instantly turn into a fat ugly Oompa Loompa with 3 kids on your 20th birthday?

Attached: First+time+playin+gta+san+andreas+not+oc+but+still_c42d20_3167903.jpg (500x1667, 214.44K)

exactly. CJ isn't some shoehorned diversity character made to appeal to a liberal agenda. On the other hand, its insane to think about a woman leading an exciting or adventurous lifestyle, therefore its impossible to make a fun videogame with a female protagonist.

desu I'm ambivalent about black ppl but hate women

It doesn't shatter the immersion of a serious crime drama to have a male of any given race do violent, criminal shit. 90% of bitches involved in the criminal underworld are straight up victims of trafficking and are usually seen as commodities, and the ones that aren't aren't running around robbing banks and wielding miniguns. The believability in a world like GTA which would probably see such an idea as a tongue in cheek reference to "strong" female characters that are just men with a different skin is stretched by this. I might have more faith if Sadie in RDR2 wasn't an awfully written character with a lot of exaggerated elements, a similar female lead being a main protagonist would be extremely grating.

Came here to post this. GTA, despite all the wacky shit you can do, still has a relatively grounded standard based on real world cultural dynamics of criminal groups.

Having a female rise through the ranks of crime isn't unheard of, but it doesn't happen with physical street crime. Powerful female criminals are part of corporate or political families that take part in ordering assassinations, organ harvesting, sex trafficking, and massive money laundering. This coupled with the fact that Rockstar is now playing it safe by being "culturally sensitive" is a big red flag.

npcs will buy it regardless, vote with your wallet literally doesn't work

so if gta and saints row are both woke nonsense, then when are we getting a new counterculture crime sandbox?

A lot of Any Forums types were pissed at CJ being black, but the game turned out to be so good they went with it and had a blast

CJ is also just the right mix of bland and likeable somehow too, which helped a lot. He was ghetto without being too ghetto. They got it just right,

>R* announces GTA6 will feature 2 protagonists
>man and woman, inspired by Bonnie and Clyde
>the woman will be latina
>everyone focuses on the latina instead of realising what this could mean

Could it be, bros? Are we going home?

Attached: gta.jpg (300x168, 12.24K)

It's no surprise, while it's true that sex "equality" has progressed, people don't want to talk about how there's a large population in every culture, race, and continent that dislikes girls.

>buying =/= keeping shit from flopping