Were you able to beat it on veteran?

were you able to beat it on veteran?

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good shit

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Good work but I've seen better, try again.

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no russian?

>on rail section you must do Exactly in the way they intended or you can't finish it
i did . but that was shit

Mouse aiming is so fucked up on PC.
They got MWR modded client to work on PC last month, and already barely anyone plays it.

Of course but it took probably 50 tries.
Now I'm getting flashbacks of staying up until 3 in the morning on a school night trying to complete the campaign on Veteran while grenades rained down on me.

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This mission made me quit my veteran playthrough

I honestly didn't have any trouble with CoD4. It was WaW that broke me with the grenade spam.

I fucking hated this mission

I got to the almost last mission in Modern Warfare on veteran arcade mode. Right when you invade the base that's housing the nuclear silos you shoot the javelin at some enemy tanks. The game check point saved right as the missile was about to hit a tank and when the tank exploded it took out Captain Price with friendly fire, which gives you a game over. I watched all 7 of my extra-lives evaporate in less than a minute as the game reloads the moment over and over again.

>cod 1 veteran playthrough
>enemies shoot you instantly as soon as you are evel close to their line of sight
>as soon as you turn a corner they snap to you
>one shot does easily 40-60% of your hp
still a fun game though

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>It was WaW that broke me with the grenade spam.

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>the barn mission
>have to escape and run through a open field
>on PS3 and on veteran
>stuck there for a week untill I randomly got it

Only cod I was able to do thing on

mile high club isnt even hard desu
why play remastered when you could play the original cod4

Black ops 1 campaign was the worst veteran
it had infinite spawning enemies in some sections

YES as a kid when i first played.
When I went back recently I fucking just gave up. Either I had a lot of patience as a kid, was better, or a combination. Thanks.

Did it so long ago but the layout and where to bounce flash bangs is still burned into my mind

>tfw i choked at the end once killing the hostage

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That was an improvement but its not hard to improve on garbage