The Square Enix Playstation - Nintendo split

If Square Enix is being eyed for a purchase by Sony then Nintendo would try to step in and do something since they partner on titles so much. I think the perfect compromise for this would be for Square to be split between the two.

Basically there are 2 Squares: The one with Playstation DNA - FF7R, Kingdom Hearts, FF16 etc... & the one with Nintendo DNA - Live A Live, Octopath, Bravely Default etc...

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Sony is never buying square

Nintendo could just buy those IP for like $1000


the Octopath/Bravely team would just be poached and brought in-house by Nintendo.
sort of like when Konami bought Hudson and Nintendo just hired the Mario Party devs and moved them into ndCube.

AGAIN with this same rumor bullshit. How many threads have their been about "rumors surrounding sony buying x company"


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Sony doesn't have the money to buy square, especially now because sony is broke from buying a lot of stock back

source: my faggot ass

>t. overly delusional snoygger

You can keep that shit. The only one worth a damn is maybe triangle strategy and that's a maybe. And the rune factory copy. All the other are generic by the numbers jrpgs. Or better yet I'd want them to be exclusive to PlayStation now just to rub it in your stupid faces

>desperately ignoring sony pissing away a mountain of money buying bungie of all things first

Source is a financial report from sony themselves
The ps5 sales and profits are much lower than what sony predicted and their stocks dropped a lot. To prevent stock from dropping any further they're buying some stock back. They don't have much money at the moment

Square would have to be fucking insane to hitch their wagon with current Sony

Square is known to be pretty retarded. Their flagships franchises don't sell as well as they used to do and take longer to develop. Pretty sure square makes more money from selling 2D-HD games that release once or twice every year and sell about a million each on the Switch than from final fantasy and kingdom hearts that release once every 7 years and get 5 million sales each

Japanese companies only sell to Japanese companies. Sony is a Burger trans company now.

It's only mainline Final Fantasy that are (timed) Sony exclusives from SE anymore. Considering they also take EGS moneyhats for ports of Nomura's games, it's probably Square Enix playing Sony for chumps too, not the other way around.

FF16 will flop so hard if it stays a ps5 exclusive

They literally announced and set to release sequels to all their big games from last generation idiot. This is nothing like before

We all know it's going to take at least another 5 years before kingdom hearts 4 releases

They won't buy Square because Square sucks Sony's cock already.

I just KH4 to be a multiplat, but there's no fucking way they aren't going to take that Sony and EGS timed exclusive dosh, despite releasing KH3 on both systems at the same time

Sony is absolutely retard if they trying to acquire SE.
SE games isn't even system seller anymore, even exclusive deal (permanent exclusive) still doesn't worth the money

>barry still seething

Triangle strategy outsold 13 trannies
Live a live will outsell soul lackers 2 lol

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