Mass Effect

Time for a comfy Mass Effect thread. Get in here!

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All the human squadmates fucking suck. The sole exception being Kasumi, and she still ends up being underdeveloped.

I WILL fly this in Starfield.

ME devs lied and broke their promise to let us fly it there, but it's going to happen next year in Starfield

Just got the legendary edition. What class should I be? Haven't played in like 10 years. I like biotic powers but I also like cool guns and i hate missing out on abilities and content and stuff. What do, Any Forums?

Be a biotic God. There's like 1 gun the entire series you'll be locked out of if you go anything but soldier, but biotics is half the lore and so half the gameplay.

Yeah that's what I'm probably going to do. Biotics are based

>Any Forums: Retcons are bad!
>Any Forums when EDI exists:

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i liked that invisible sniper class in me2. can't imagine passing the hardest difficulty with anything else

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Bros....why DA shit got it first?

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Might as well ask here

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Legendary. It comes with all the DLC content.

>where's jacob
>jacob is so hot
>look at jacob's abs
>i want to fuck jacob
>here's a poem i wrote about jacob
>i'm not going to join you loser but i would've if you brought jacob to recruit me
Kasumi is shit tier

Did they censor the leg version?

What year will we get Mass Effect 4?

yes you can carry your character / choices across all 3 games, don't expect much out of this feature but the couple nods you get are worth seeing if you're playing them all anyway rather than starting fresh

Why is this games artstyle so damn ugly?

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what did EDI retcon? if you mean that she was original the Luna VI, there's no real reason that couldn't have been possible considering that we know there were extensive connections between Cerberus and the Alliance back then.

Art is subjective. It’s very Euclidean.

How about you. Show me spoke art direction (you) consider good.

Because people devoid of any knowledge about guns tried to design guns

Legendary. Install the Pinnacle Station and the butt shot restoration mods if you really want a closer-to-vanilla experience but I wouldn't recommend it, Pinnacle Station is a shitty dlc that forces you to act out of character, and the butt shots became a meme because of how jarringly out of place they were.

BUT RETCONS BAAAAAAAD!!! THE SERIES IS FUCKING DEAD BECAUSE THERMAL CLIPS!!! Like, I actually do prefer the overheat system, but goddamn people get absurdly pissy over the change.



>by the end of ME1 you can make human supremacist council
>it doesn't lead to anything
>morinth becomes random banshee in ME3, shepard doesnt even adress it in any way
>killing rachni in ME1 doesn't lead to anything interesting
>cant be rude to crew past ME1
>even if you helped cerberus on multiple occasions in ME2 it doesnt lead to anything in ME3
>cant bang turrian chick in omega DLC
God fucking damn it bioware. I know EA was breathing down their neck, and its bitch to make trilogy of RPGs where actions carry on consequences across three games, but still so many wasted oportunities
still ME3 is my favourite one

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Anyone got some good mod lists? Interested mainly in bugfixes, graphical improvements, and restored content.

Star Wars can design guns that have le advanced technology bullshit inside but still look like a damn gun.

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