Why don't people want to play as heroes anymore?

Why don't people want to play as heroes anymore?

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Twitter rejects aren't people. And then actual people don't know what they want. So just make a normal game without subversions, a simple narrative with a cool good protagonist and call it a day.

Real heroes don't ask for it

>I'll never stop looking.

its boring and I like variety. I want a game where you actually play as the villain though. and NO im not talking about a "bad guy" who ends up saving the world anyway like Gru (or Castlevania Lord of Shadows if you want a video game example). I mean a actual Bad Guy- bad guy thats tossing people under the bus for his own selfish goals.

you know, Snap the heroes neck then enslave his corpse as your thrall and make him murder his friends kind of edgelord badguy and dont say "Overlord did that" because you never actually played the game or didnt read the first half of my post is this your rebuttal.

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they do
the people who make games don't want us to

Closest I've got is Infamous 1

I spent all my money on Genshin Impact and Street-Fighter

I think there's a booming hero market

It's the plague of moral relativism. People want "nuanced, morally gray" characters instead of classical heroes and villains.

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Same. Genshin impact was the first time in a long time I actually felt like a hero. Redeeming some villains or showing mercy to others while on a noble mission making friends made me feel actually happy inside unlike most modern, morally grey, "adult" styled games I've had to play.

Cyberpunk lets you be an actual hero. You can spare every boss, do every mission non lethal and there are lots of different paths to certain missions if you decide not to be an edgelord.

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those games where you "can" play evil but the evil is never the canon route are also kinda annoying. Im aware of those type of games

>Fallout 3 Karma system
>Renegade Shephard
>Making obviously evil choices in Dragons Age
>Knights of the Old Republic series and siding with sith
>Force Unleashed

yeah I played those games. I want a game where the character is ACTUALLY evil through and through though and its a active part of the pre-determined narrative. also retroactive villains are lame too like how Alex Mercer got rewritten into a psychopath so they could push the new MC or how Shovel Knight had the DLC that let you play as some of the bosses like Plague Knight and King Knight

This. Although its only a western problem. Westerners believe adult = revenge plot.

I wouldn't say it's only a western problem.

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>zeitgeist changes in favor of something Any Forums bitched for years ago
>start bitching to go back

You made your beds now sleep in em

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I had the most fun playing as Zhongli.

Never did feel like a hero playing most wrpg's so Genshin was a breath of fresh air.

Japan has lots of edgelord games eaten up by the west, but it has a huge abundance of hero like games as well which do very well in Japan. So there's a nice balance for everyone. In the west they're trying to hard to seem adult that they can only write up these revenge trope, morally grey, boring stories. Sometimes they don't even bother with the story anymore and just put in lore names and let you make up what you want like Elden ring.

Edgefags were never liked on Any Forums back in the day. Take that from an actual oldfag who's been here since 2006.

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"Hero" is a subjective term.
What events a person manages to achieve that have them considered a Hero might have them considered a piece of shit by others.

There are plenty of objective heroic tropes.

people realized real hero's rarely win anything but a quick trip to the grave
in real life the victor is king and the loser thieves
examples include every dictator you can name off the top of your head

Who would consider someone a piece of shit for fighting against oppression and other, blatant malice? Other than the person/party committing to said malice, of course.

It's so easy to tell when someone who has no life experience talks about a subject. Game of thrones isn't real.

>Who would consider someone a piece of shit for fighting against oppression and other, blatant malice?
The Left.
Plenty of examples to be given that happened just recently.

I would argue people's tastes remain pretty vanilla. They want the typical wayward protagonist that has a character arc, and essentially is a hero by the end of the game. Actual non hero villain protagonists like OG kratos remain rare.

>"It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here"

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too bad if you were to create a hero based on tropes only, you'd probably end up with a marry sue

>The body may heal, but the mind is not so resilient.
I love that trailer, shame the game isn't as good as it

Blood Omen. It even canonizes the bad ending.

right right tell me about all the times you were morally right and then everyone clapped

>do every mission non lethal
Can't do Panam tank mission non-lethal

It could be argued that the left is the party behind the malice, though.

I'm talking about people who have nothing to do with the evil that is being eradicated by the hero, and I can't imagine anyone like that hating the hero for it.

We've been telling stories about heroes for the entirety of human history. Is this really the best response you've got?

Too bad the actual story was mediocre.

>Blood Omen
Oh yeah. I forgot about that. you get so used to Raziel being the face.


but also

>time travel shenanigans
>Kain only does it because he knows that he HAS to do it in order to save the universe and that he is only "playing his part"

that falls under bad-guy but actually good guy martyr heroes.

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even in blood omen you still fill the role as an antihero working to restore the pillars, you don't become a villain until the very end.

Pawel, don't you have better things to do, like fixing that garbage game? Stop shitposting on Any Forums

too bad the heroes in those stories are completely unrealistic by real life standards. they are there to serve as some type of role model for the person who hears the story and wants to better themselves in order to hopefully one day be like that but they never will because regardless of how much good you might manage to do irl, you'll still be considered a piece of shit by others and you won't be getting the fantasy treatment of everyone around the hero showering them with constant love and praise. and if that were the case, most people would likely let the fame get to their head and become narcissistic as a result and therefore no longer a hero