Every single Dragon Quest got some re-release

>Every single Dragon Quest got some re-release
>Expect this one that is still stuck on DS
Is it a good game?

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As luck would have it, because this is how our stupid reality works, it's the best fucking one. Go figure.

Not the best single player story but the best endgame for sure. Especially when you factor in multiplayer

It has the godliest DQ postgame ever. I still pick it back up from time to time to grind out some random grottos. The main game was good and story okay despite the lack of real party members (until that is you get a couple). First DQ game with regular ass jrpg sidequests and... they're not bad. Story/Characters expanded upon by postgame "dlc" quests was cool too.

It's pretty good if you enjoy grindan.

You have to grind in all Dragon Quest games

Yeah but IX has extra grinding in the endgame. You can even grind the same job to 99 reset and grind it again, every reset giving some sort of bonus for something.

games where you grind to become disgustingly OP > games where you grind just to be able to progress

I thought it was great. I liked tailoring my own party members but it obviously means the game relies much harder on the chapter stories.

for me this is the best one but i havent played Xi yet..

Its only flaw lies in the blank slate party members, but otherwise it's fucking amazing and easily the most daring DQ ever. Just be warned that you NEED to use a save editor if you wish to experience the last 1/4th of the game.

>tfw absolutely barely any JRPG's where you make your own party
>also best postgame

Its a shame as someone who enjoys making up backstorys and motivations as a part time writer.

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I still remember my party and their classes which is more I can say for the ones with actual party members.

It's weird because I like how much you can customize your party members with skills and jobs but it's also a flaw because they're boring blank slates.


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My team consists of a QT witch, a maid, a bunnygirl, and a priestess.

If you used uber falcon blade you didn't beat the game.

this game's a masterpiece. fpbp

Level 5 wants to do a remake, but everyone knows Level 5 sucks these days.

Also it was be expensive as fuck for a DQ remake. Every weapon and piece of armor is visible. That's a ton of assets to remake.

yeah its nice

Most of them (4-9) have their definitive versions stuck on 3/ds. It fucking sucks.

I really hope we get the offline 10 remake. I know you can translate some of the stuff but I just can't stand MMOs.