Spare squadron best Ace Combat squadron

Spare squadron best Ace Combat squadron

Attached: ace combat 7 spare squadron.jpg (1070x269, 84.86K)

don't remember a single one
5 is objectively the best sorry

>cant save them all
it isnt fair

Wasted potential

>count because he was a nobleman who was captured
>high roller a gambler
>full band a radio host
>champ a professional sports star
>tabloid wont shut the fuck up

I think you got a few of those wrong,
Count is mentioned by Banddog to be have committed fraud and somebody also said something about him inflating his numbers
Full Band probably got caught with classified intel (which also caused his later death)
Tabloid is an anarchist

this, should have been with them the whole game

>not rrrrrrrrrRazgriz before Chopper kicks it

5 is a dumb michael bay movie

Ace Combat is a dumb Michael Bay movie.

>whines about fighting in a war and killing people
>spent the better part of his life training as a fighter pilot, a multi million dollar machine with the specific purpose of being used in war and killing people
What did he mean by this?

Attached: Booklet 07.jpg (1190x1200, 869.81K)


Hitman Squadron a best

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 604.8K)

Count has ONE cool moment and that's when he says it's not fair to send us constantly on suicide missions
but then he tags along for the tunnel run and does nothing, bringing his Cool back to zero

I wonder how High Roller and Champ got into the 444 squad. Did Osea screw them over like Tabloid and Trigger?

High Roller seems heavy on gambling so maybe illegal gamble rackets? Champ is the real mystery, loan shark? thug? boxer? Who knows

It's implied that Count is a fraudster who pretended to be a nobleman.
Tabloid apparently got put in the Penal Battalion for being an open A World With No Boundaries activist. Which of course, doesn't go over well in Osea.


1.5 update WHEN?

>think you'll be a cool jet pilot with slick hair and a fast plane
>turns out war is all a big fuck-fuck game between faceless beaurocrats pulling everything behind the scenes
>lose all your rock and roll records
>both sides start committing full on war crimes like bombing civilians and fucking chemical warfare
>get framed for crimes you didn't do by people who don't exist in a court that doesn't matter
>get shot down by those same people after they try killing 50,000 people in an occupied stadium
chopper had a hard life

they had the best callsigns, at least. fuckin strider squad doesn't even have callsigns

>Paul Walker survives
>Clive Owen dies
What did they mean by this?