Only sleep for 4 hours a night

>only sleep for 4 hours a night
>feel no difference
>4 extra hours of vidya a day with no drawbacks
How did it take me 28 years to figure this out?

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Do you even work?
Fuck off

how?? im always so fucking tired

Waking up early is only great if you don't have to work. I feel more refreshed with less sleep on the weekends than I ever do with more sleep during the week

it works with work too
you only need to not do it every fucking day like a retard
max i could do was 3 days without hardly any sleep

Enjoy your heart attack

I have a problem of over compensating when doing this by the weekend and will end up sleeping like 12 hours straight instead.

Not him but you get used to it. I have a feeling that it'll negatively affect me in the future. I can't help it though. I try to get more sleep, but I always wake up after 4 hours without fail.

i hope it kills me

How can you play more thsn 3 hours of vidya a day? Don't you have other shit to do/want to do?

Not Op but no I go to work game go to sleep. I’m ugly you see so there’s no point to try

Can confirm, works with work too.
t. wagie

>8 hours of work
>1 hour for meals
>1 hour of misc boring adult shit
>6 hours of sleep
>8 hours for vidya, fappan, and/or internet at whatever balance i want that day
I honestly have more time than I know what to do with. Weekends have their own time breakdowns

>I’m ugly you see so there’s no point to try
You sound like a British aristocrat, lol

I can't do that shit for more than a week without feeling like shit. I go to sleep at 3 or 4 when playing long games and its definitely a good place to fit in more gaymin hours if it doesn't affect you.

you're slowly killing yourself user, don't do that
or well just keep doing it if you don't mind dying early

>sleep for 5 hours a night
>have to take an hour long nap after work everyday

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what about transportation?
I spend 3 hours of my day in a fucking bus, bros. It's sucking the will to live out of me.

>Not him but you get used to it.
i've been sleeping for 5 hours a night on average for the past 3 years and i'm still not used to it. i hate it.

Not everyone is the same, I need at least 7 hours to function properly at work. I also have insomnia so I effectively need to spend more time in bed then others.

Don't do that. It hurts in the longrun.

Just get a homeoffice job like i did and play your games while at "work". Nobody gives a fuck as long as your fulfill your quota and you are usually competing against a bunch of 50 year old boomers who barely know how to use a computer. I can do 8 hours work of work in 1-2 hours.

That was my logic for about a year or two but then it was eventually catching up with me, especially as I'm getting into my 30s now. Sleep is important. You aren't special and able to get away with much less of it. It will eventually catch up with you and start fucking you up. You can start getting permanent health issues out of nowhere.

I skip sleeping saturdays every week. I get a big block of time from Sat Morning to Sunday evening all to myself. No side effects, prime time for getting into vidya.

Skipping only one night of sleep a week isnt that bad right?

Have you tried not living in America
No one I know would be willing to have a commute longer than 20 minutes (one way) here in Germany

How do I sleep more than six hours? I can't remember the last time I got eight and I'm just a unifag


>feel no difference
You just have a hard time waking up at that point if you feel no difference between 4 hours and 8+ hours. I can say the same about not feeling any difference because it always feels like shit anyways. But it slams into you later.

I'm sure your parents do too since you refuse to move out

Just wait until you reach the age of 30.
You will slowly start to fall apart after that. Trust me.

I live a whole 10 minutes from work, thats a negligible amount of time. I could have omit my food prep from that too but I like spending time cooking myself a good meal.
Also thats only on days I go to the office rather than just open my work laptop

Prove it.

>sleep for 0 hours
>actually feel better and more awake the next day
lmao sleep is a scam

Your choice mate. Nobody's gonna cry over your low self-esteem.

Oh, I'm so jelly right now but...must...keep...working...

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I just put on a bunch of weight despite eating the same amount

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Not doing your mindset any favors by getting so little rest

Whenever I meet someone who says that they can function on 4-5 hours of sleep, it's always a person who just seems like they are braindead and sleep deprived 24/7. Like their brain is already functioning in slow motion, so they don't notice any difference between being sleep deprived or fully rested anyway.

I have insomnia so 3-4 hours of sleep is my default and my mental sanity is reduced by 50% because of it. It's not good at all.

correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't a consistent sleep schedule been proven to be more important than getting lots of sleep?

I'm American and I've never driven more than 15 minutes for work. What a weird thing to bring up when it's much more common to take public transportation (poor people shit) in euro countries lmao

Almost everyone drives in the US, retard. I literally have only a 5 minute drive.

better drop this shit bro, sleeping only 4 hours a day is a fail-safe way to get crippling depression and other major health issues in your 30s

>sleep 12 hours
>feel as tired as if I slept 4 hours
I hate this shit.
There is no good sleep schedule, I'm always tired no matter what.

sleep is the best fucking thing for your body bros.
The correlation between how much you sleep and how long you live is stronger than ANYTHING else.

>haha finally friday, I'll pull an all-nighter today
>23:00 and I feel tired already
>fuck it, just gonna take a nap and get up early instead
>wake up after 9AM
That's how it usually goes for me

that sounds fully retarded