Genuinely, how do you roleplay as lawful good??
You already spend all day larping as lawful good, just to roleplay the same thing in videogames/table top?

The most I can being myself to do is any type of neutral.

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Most people are not lawful good. Are you retarded?

I always start an evil playthrough first to see what the game calls "bad." Then I make good choices.

Shut the FUCK up

Just steal a character like Sam Vimes and do whatever they’d do

based disk world enjoyer

>Most people are not lawful good. Are you retarded?
Most people are neutral.

>Genuinely, how do you roleplay as lawful good??
Super-man pre corruption.

Neutrality is an illusion.

Oh look it's this /tg/ thread again.
We're on v? Well alright then.

The best way to roleplay lawful good is to play someone trying to make the world better (good) and who stands by what they say (lawful).
That's it.
Unless you're playing a Paladin, you're allowed to make mistakes and not lose your lawful good alignment. You're allowed to break unjust laws, lawful alignment doesn't mean laws of man.

most people are neutral good > neutral, user.
Lawful doesn't necessarily mean societal law. It can also be a strong personal code/sense of beliefs someone holds, and uses that for the betterment of people around them.

A Paladin, for example, can reject the law of a land he is fighting in if it causes suffering of innocents, and still hold onto his Lawful state, because he is upholding the values of his order/deity while doing so. Actual LG examples in real life are pretty fucking sparse, I cant even think of one that comes to mind.

Then again I find the alignment system to be absolutely retarded anyway.

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A lot of people like being liked and admired as a good person, and that tends to require being a nice person who is honorable

Yes, I'm Lawful Good
Meaning that anything evil gets the rope

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What would you ever not be neutral good?

Because you want to get into the LG afterlife with angels and solars instead of the NG afterlife which is just gay nirvana.

You made it less Chad with the edit

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Most people are lawful neutral or neutral, see conformity experiments

I'll tell you this much - You sure as hell don't do it in Wrath of the Righteous, cause almost every Lawful dialog option has more to do with the letter of the law than a code or a creed.

You might as well go Lawful Evil, cause basically none of the dialogues will make you seem "good" unless you pick Good (which just pushes you away from Lawful)

Yes but they absolutely pretend to be.

Most people are neutral/chaotic evil, government workers are more of lawful evil. And no, chaotic evil is not necessarily a mass-murderer, it can be a kleptomaniac, a pajeet coder, a BLM activist, and so on, basically any person that don't give a fuck about the people around him.
Less people are neutral, and even less are good.
Lawful good is probably the rarest alignment you can find IRL, borderline shizo going against human nature.

Most people aren't psychopaths, they just want to get along with the crowd and they stick to whatever is the cultural hegemony. They are neutral neutral.
Evil people go great lengths to be evil, no matter what the consequences are; and most people don't do that because they value more being left alone than anything else. Evil people have to watch their backs on every step they take.
Now good people go great lengths to be good and these are more rare.