Cut content thread

Post cut-content that you find interesting or wish it stayed in
In New Vegas companions had unique voicelines for being set on fire

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Why did they remove this? It’s pretty cool

They were voice acted a bit too well

Probably got too annoying in combat if the enemies used fire based weapons.

Yeah I imagine the japs getting torched by marines where pretty annoyed by the screaming


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Not sure if you are joking or are unironically making a "point".

I don’t know of many enemies who use fire besides Fire Geckos (all over the place in their habitats) and Cook Cook (one guy who doesn’t respawn), along with the rare respawnable opponent who uses a flamethrower randomly

obsidian removed so much content from new vegas after launch it's ridiculous.

>Post cut-content that you find interesting or wish it stayed in
Americans can relate

>that veronica scream
jesus christ lmao

fun fact. IRL flamethrowers instantly kill the targets and suck the oxygen out of any space they're fired into.
There is no screaming. You can't scream when all the air in your lungs is sucked out by fire.

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You're a fucking moron, stop posting

seeing someone stoic like Boone screaming is pretty funny

>fire geckos
>fiends sometimes spawn with flamethrowers
>super mutants with incinerators/heavy incinerators
>that one escaped convict that spawns in Primm
I think that's everyone.


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NPCs screaming in agony when killed by fire is a guilty pleasure of mine and i'm not afraid to admit it's what makes me want to use fire weapons when convenient
It's kind of like a good rag doll on explosion or heavy hit, good player feedback on the effectiveness of the tool you're using, so if there's more dialogue like this for regular enemies in NV i'm down for a another flamer run

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Make sure to install the BURN mod

>That Veronica scream
Jesus I can only get so hard

Delete this right fucking now