Game is needlessly complicated

>Game is needlessly complicated

Attached: mIOjew61qOE6.jpg (1920x1080, 390.31K)

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>modder thinks he knows more than dev

Make sure to wear your wrist supports and do wrist exercises and stretches regularly Any Forumsriends!

Human bodies are designed so stupidly lmao. What kind of retard would think making us breathe and eat through the same hole would be a good idea?

What the fuck are going to do about it, dismantle your own hand?

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Works on my machine

>breathe and eat through the same hole
>he actually breathes through his mouth

>game introduces unconventional playstyles

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I think wrists and spines automatically rule out any intelligent design hypotheses

dis nigga doesn't leave his house

i eat through my nose
get fucked, idiot


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literal mouthbreather

chickens shit and give birth from the same hole
brb gonna make some eggs

that's hot

damn son, evolution come up with, uh, this?

Until you think about the kind of woman that would actually do that.

Its just fish shit

Attached: saw-long-m.png (542x1664, 164.98K)

>there's a skeleton inside you right now

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user your mouth and nose both connect to the top of your throat. if you breathe through your nose while swallowing food you'll still choke.
how is that an argument?

I think I have carpal tunnel but not sure because it's so fucking random. Sometimes I get a weird pain my left wrist that only happens when i press down on something so like picking myself up from the floor from example. I pretty much have to do it with my right hand because if i do it with my left a sharp pain happens. is this carpal tunnel or just a nerve being retarded for a bit because it does go away after a few days

Right wrist has been having pains where the schapoid is for a couple weeks now. How long until it hurts permanently.

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>and then one day for absolutely no reason, human males evolved to lose the hair they have on their head
>but only the top of the head and not the sides, so they can look as unattractive as possible

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do you eat the shells or something you fucking freak

>there is more bacteria in you than your own cells

i have a similar experience and for me it was a ganglion cyst. they never go away completely, but sometimes they calm down and dont cause issues for a while

It's not designed ya dingus.
It's just slowly adjusted.
Hands are the most important things that humans use. That and my penis

You're using your computer too much, at least that's what it was for me. Does it hurt more when you use your PC or desk?

Attractiveness is irrelevant as for all human history woman had 0 input on choosing who they fucked with.

>It's not designed ya dingus.
That's the point, dumdum.

Controllers are worse


>wah I don't want muscles to be attached in ways that give me superior dexterity

Buy a wrist brace and check the height of your chair/desk.

You're a dumdum

>game starts happening in real life
Can't wait to be a homeless bum singing "Lady Liberty" while coughing and dying from gray death.

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thanks. glad to know i dont have carpal tunnel. which is weird because im on my computer all the time. might be just lucky or born with strong wrists or somethng idk

>equip item
>character sustains permanent damage

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I have really severe tinnitus. Hear it all the time. It sucked for the first year or two, but you get used to it.

why is this so fucking funny to me
literally turn the volume down, good lord dude

actual bionics like that would be fucking awesome but too bad they will never come out in even 100 years lol

I've had the
for over 25 years now. It's not that fucking bad.

Why did tiktaalik do it lads, what compelled it to go to such lengths?

>your body needs energy to live
>fair enough
>to get energy you need to eat
>you also need to drink
>oh and you constantly have to breathe
>AND you still have to sleep 8 hours a day to recharge

you might have it mild.

people don't realize how loud tinnitus can get lol. like horrifying banshee screeches that envelop your entire auditory perception.

Everyone has a very faint tinnitus-like sound, but it gets really unbearable if you constantly listen to loud music. You can get used to it but it gets worse over time if you don't stop listening to loud ass music.

>Human bodies are designed so stupidly lmao.
The very same chemicals that help with focus and motivation also regulate your muscle mass and last but not least make you horny. How the fuck was this a good idea?

real ones have more soul

Work kinda asks for it. It's mainly when I bend my hand upwards at the wrist is when it mainly hurts, or when I put pressure on the bottom part of my palm.
The arms of my chair are about an inch lower than my mousepad, it's as high as it can go.

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>there are enough bones in your body to create an entire skeleton


>PC form
PC master race just keeps winning

Not to mention the fact that for the majority of human history, most men would fuck and die long before baldness would ever be an issue.

I have it very bad, my dad was in a rock band when I was a baby, and I was a roadie trying to sleep next to 6ft amps for the first 5 years of my life.
It's bad, but much like wearing glasses and learning to look past the frames, you learn to tune it out. It's always there tho.

Proof evolution is bullshit. No animal would evolve this way.

>Everyone has a very faint tinnitus-like sound
this actually isn't true, and they used one of those -40db quiet rooms to prove it.

Attached: quietest_room.jpg (1200x800, 211.26K)

I have non-mechanical tinnitus + visual snow. It's random neurons connected to my sound/vision processing neurons. It gets louder/busier with increased brain activity like when I jerk off or drink a strong coffee.

Attached: visual snow.gif (800x600, 1.12M)

Holy shit I would go insane in here. But also I'd like to hear an ASMR video recorded in one of those.

>27 yo
>hairline starts receding at horrifying speed
I don't want to be bald, bros...

See that dry land? You can climb it.

Attached: todtalikk.jpg (1000x750, 267.61K)


I played starcraft every day for hours and didn't have any problems
Just work out your grip strength and wrists, noodle armed faggots

>might be just lucky or born with strong wrists or somethng idk
people swear that no one is "immune" to carpal tunnel, but im also in the same boat where im on my pc all day every day with bad posture, poor typing form, and using my wrist as the pivot point for my mouse. never had any wrist pain in my life, 37 years old.

Sounds like a good meditation object

i got to go in an anechoic chamber once while in school and its weird. you can hear your blood pressure in your ears if that makes sense.

You want it to be level with the desk. I had this problem and my wrist kept hurting off and on until I finally got a new desk, because none of the chairs I had or could find would get to the appropriate height.

you won the genetic lottery, that's all. it will still probably catch up to you eventually.

>Holy shit I would go insane in here. But also I'd like to hear an ASMR video recorded in one of those.

>breathe and eat through the same hole
>t. asmongold

Attached: asas.png (300x300, 117.1K)

They're talking about your esophagus, not your mouth.