Monster Hunter

>new DLC dropped on Thursdays with new monsters/quests
>log on and try to solo the latest DLC monster with current non min-maxed set
>tried to complete the solo early into the weekend - tough for the the last batch of monsters
>helped friends beat the monster and/or farm it over the weekend
>do the rest of the event quests for cool armor and weapons
Will we ever be this comfy in Monster Hunter again?

Attached: DLC Monsters.jpg (2000x784, 741.48K)

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fucken hate DLCs and "Title Updates", Just give me all the monsters at oncr like it was before.
>log on
Why? If it's not Frontier it has no business logging me on

Attached: theSmartestMonster.png (225x381, 142.17K)

God World's TU line up was utter shit

here are the flaws for every last mon hon game of their generation
>mh1: it's mh1
>mhfu: hitboxes, painful solo g-rank, absurdly low drop rates
>mh3u:save-locked charm tables, less content than mhfu
>mh4u: ledges/wystones
>mhgu:Too much gathering quests
>mhwib: Started the casual downhill
>mhrsb: Hunters are too powercrept because of world point

You updated this? why?

this series has been fucking ruined pandering to filthy faggot fucking casuals. we want the fucking troon audience. fuck capcom and fuck you.

Bing bing secondaries who never played MH on PS2.

I never realized how nice everyone's eyes look in Sunbreak. Especially doesn't help that Fiorayne's eyes stand out a lot.

Just wait for paradise, we'll be done with this tendie garbage, and since rise flopped, we'll never have to worry about it again

G rank feels soulless without him

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The whole "make monster available later" thing has been a blight ever since 4U (not even base 4 or Gen/GU). Event quests are fine but this really needs to fuck off.

Rise is the fifth or sixth best-selling Capcom game of all time

>Sunbreak already sold 3.5 mil

If the TUs where in the game from the start and there was no updates, you would take an extra week to beat the content and would be on here saying "dead game no content" shut the fuck up

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You can do exactly that in Sunbreak, user. Starting in like 2 weeks

>like it was before
it never was like this, every MH game gets free title updates for awhile following its g rank release. It even was like this on 3 and freedom unite which were 12+ years ago

No, I'd still be playing it instead of holding off right now because I know my gearsets will be invalidated in a couple weeks.

>every MH game gets free title updates
We never got "title updates" and all the content was on-disc/cart already. All you ever downloaded were quest files, which are very small. It's why the whole Star Knight fiasco during MH4U could happen in the first place.

It doesn't seem like they'll go the World route of TUs power creeping the fuck out of old shit. The Qurio crafting is probably meant to prevent it entirely.

Leaked theme from MH6:

Attached: 1645779853623.gif (415x500, 196.35K)

We'll see. I expect some power-creep in regards to Qurio crafting and decoration/skill availability but if Lucent Narga weapons end up being more of a side grade and the endgame is kept relatively "horizontal", I'll be surprised and really happy with the outcome.

>update won't power creep
>Lucent is literally an upgraded Narga in it's weapon tree
If those weapons have a level 2 rampage slot prepare to see the same problem rise had with his weapons