Xenoblade 3

This game is definitely going to be my GOTY isn't it?

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it has no blacked scenes so you won't enjoy it.

Go see a therapist.

When does the combat get good?

The first hour or the middle 20 hours.


Stop talking about Nintendo games I can't and won't afford a 300 dollar tablet with a 720p screen.

This game has been living in my head rent free since reviews dropped. I was already excited but now I can hardly contain it.
Anyone know when preload titles unlock? Should I stay up late or go to bed early so I can play before work?

Attached: xenocollection.jpg (4032x2839, 3.81M)

Just go to bed my brother. Just two more days.

jrpg players have no standards so yes

>completely upstages the entire game with a 2 second cameo
Nothing personal kid.

Attached: Rex2.jpg (512x486, 44.17K)

Least autistic Xenoblade protagonist, also the closest to a shonen MC


Attached: 010074f013262000_2022-07-27_13-59-55-968.png (1920x1080, 2.91M)

What does this have to do with the previous discussion?

nice ps3 game

forgot to delete the quote

Flagrant fanboy thread

No such thing

kirby was already goty, nobody cares this niche rpg trash

Not my thing but I hope you have fun user. This game looks like a dream for Xenoblade fans. We've had a great year for games, lots to be thankful for. Have a wonderful day

My current goty is SMTV
Normalfag goty will be Reddit Ring or God of War 2

unironically why are americoids like this? Does somebody know the actual answer?

So you're just stupid, no worries. We all have our moments of retardation.
Well yeah, duh

SMT V is 2021

Cheers lad, whatever games you're hyped up for, I hope it delivers well for you
Your personal GOTY doesn't have to be from the current year user.

I know and I don't care.