The video that mindbroke Jewstar

The video that mindbroke Jewstar

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its a shit game that only retards can like

Why doesn't yogaballman make any more videos?

>uh...bro... literally just watch (INSERT FAGGOT ASS YOUTUBER HERE) xer opinion is definitive and if you disagree in any way you deserve a bullet, basically

jakey is based because he puts strong arguments covered in retarded humor

He makes subpar pop music for softboys and twinks now.

He blew up and got a lot of money. Some people just mostly stop working when they don't financially need to anymore.

because muh depression and shit

he had a cheeky little break down but he'll be back... one day.....

working on his album
idc about it, but the gran turismo song is actually nice

Takejew sent a goon squad over to his house as a warning for criticizing their product.

Wasn't this shit supposed to be out in February?

yes he made an apology video somewhere and delayed it indefinitely

That is one happy song.

why does everyone just make their opinion of what some faggot ass youtuber says

RDR2 is still somewhere in my top 10 even with all the problems it has. It's not Deus Ex but it might be better than SoTN. Luckily you can just fuck around in the open world after the snow level.

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Lol I wish. The'll keep making movies games where your character moves like he's swimming.

He's also a filthy lefty like the rest of them but he makes good videos so I don't care.

>why can’t I specifically do this one random quirky thing in a sprawling open world game with amazing cinematic animations that has never been done in any other game with even less content and rigor
Wow amazing argument

Why do you assume nobody can think for themselves? Is it projection?

Personally, I just think it's convenient. I formulated these opinions by myself long before the video was even made. I could hack away at my keyboard, but now I can just point at his video and say "pretty much that". The only point I somewhat disagree with is the RPG part.

arguments. you paraphrased one of them

this. faggots like him have literally too much corn syrup in their neurons to interface with anything organically anymore, so that's why they look for mechanical hiccups and complain about gay nerd shit like teleporting cops

Insecure faggots like having something to point to when they get challenged on their ideas
See who posted this as i was typing this, lol

>this one random quirky thing
>sees item in NPC's hands
>shoots NPC
>item can't be picked up
How unreasonable and quirky.

What does insecurity have to do with it? All I'm saying is the guy phrased my own opinions more entertaining than I could in a matter of 40 minutes.

You are projecting so hard you should screen Powerpoint presentations.

literally nobody fucking cares. respect the achievement that rdr2 is, even if it is minimally poisoned by cali poof ideologies. respect it as probably the last american game to be made by more or less psychological adults. respect the time and space it has evoked with such fidelity. nobody cares if it won't let you goof off for your faggot streamer friends. fuck off