Was Goro Majima of the Yakuza franchise justified in canonically beating his wife?

Was Goro Majima of the Yakuza franchise justified in canonically beating his wife?

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yes he leveled up

>commits crime
Didn't see that coming

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yes, he was playing 5d chess so it was ok

She was a real bitch to be fair.

a bitch pays up

I always forget that Majima actually had a wife because it never had anything to do with the story before, during and after the reveal.

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If a man beats his wife, she was acting out of line

>Unpredictable violent mobster
>Does violent mobster stuff

>wife gets an abortion without telling him
>he gets pissed because he had a chance to be a dad taken from him without him even realizing he had that chance in the first place
Majima did nothing wrong.

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Majima took out his incel rage on not getting with his blind waifu on his wife.

her body her choice

She probabaly deserved it

>defending Mirei "Homewrecker By Every Definition" Park
>even ironically
>even to bait out some shitty hot take about modern politics

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she deserved worse

>Was Goro Majima of the Yakuza franchise justified in canonically beating his wife?

no, he only hit her once because she didn't tell him about the abortion

yes, no one is saying majima was right.

He just slapped her and that's after she secretly aborted their kid to pursue an idol career

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I heard Mirei Park got a 7 pound mole removed from her uterus

his hands his choice to hit her

Yakuza 0 handeled the romance aspect of Majima's character extremely well, no matter what anti-0 fucks like to say.
Sometimes I think the entire Mirei Park thing was retconed, because it's not like this series already retconed stuff like characters deaths

Ralphie, you fuck

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Retconed? At what point did you see his corpse being buried? He NEVER died.

I fucking wish that was Nishiki's case too

Retard probably cares about Makoto more than his wife.