How is this possible? How can a mistake like that happen?

How is this possible? How can a mistake like that happen?

Attached: 1634650728946.png (538x767, 282.31K)

hey bitch, bitch, listen to me bitch, are you listening? delete this


They ran the whole map though an upscaling tool. It rounded out all the edges via an algorithm, so none of the artistic intent from the originals carries over.
10/10 remake

completely automating everything regarding graphical uopgrades for assets by non native english speakers

I don't see it.

The Hex-Nut is a circle now.

Someone post the blender tuff nut donut

Low IQ

bros we've been found out...

Attached: remake button.png (304x139, 11.97K)

It's a washer now

whatever indian was remodeling that nut doesn't know what a nut is and assumed it was edged like that because of bad graphics

>be a minimum wagey
>be given a vaguely round mesh I need to "remaster" with no other context
>assume its supposed to be a circle
>just round off the corners
>move on to the 1000 other things I need to work through
It's just poor management, not a lack of skill on the artist's part

Why would they build a giant washer on Tough Nut Doughnuts?


Oh I get it now. Didn't occur to me the object was part of the joke. Everything else at bottom does look better at least.

Subtly tell their overweight customers to take a fucking shower

It's strange because the good upscaling tools have an option to preserve detail lol.
It's even ticked by default.

There's no incentive to untick this. It's simple edge detection which is nothing to do on GPU nor CPU. You won't pay more for it on a cloud and if they didn't use a cloud service it's the same. Upscaling all of the game ought to be little time and not destroy anything.
Glsl does this by default.

This actually looks like a mistake not made by an algorithm.

>>Original game was incorrect.
>>Remake was still incorrect.

That's nuts!

>alright, here's the list of assets to modernise

Attached: 1636548292170.png (349x482, 312.71K)

typical woman doesn't know what a hex nut is and thought it was just low poly

Attached: kristin-nut.jpg (1398x950, 270.24K)