Kotor was made for the xbox, literally, and as such should continue to be

Kotor was made for the xbox, literally, and as such should continue to be.

This is good news. Fantastic news. Now, let's just go a bit further and scrap it entirely.

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Turn KoToR into a top down story based arpg

And I was so looking forward to the game being 'updated for modern audiences.'

Wasn't this the game with the psycho writer who said she didn't like KOTOR, doing the writing? She also briefly worked on the Ratchet & Clank PS5 game, and had a meltdown over Rivet having boobs.

Well, at the franchise is already infected so is not a big deal for them. I guess rewriting every single line of dialog to address modern social issues was a bit too much.

Only played through KOTOR+KOTOR2 for the 1st time last year. KOTOR was incredible. KOTOR2 even with the TSLCRM was a pile of shit. Graphics wise though both games held up fine. No reason to even remake/remaster imo

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Pretty sure she got fired.

Propaganda bros...

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we were so close...

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>(((((Jason Schrier)))))

and yet... it's clearly white men workers fault

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>that shit about Anakin
Does this cunt not remember that people shit on the prequels incessantly because of the midichlorians bullshit?

why do you care which console it was on when it was on PC you underage consolewarring faggot?

>Please Listen to The Powerful Queer Women
Didn't the "powerful queer woman" literally just refuse to tell anyone what her plan was and told them all to shut up and seemingly commit suicide because her plan was to make a huge gamble on something that everyone assumed was impossible and hope it worked? And then it didn't even work well enough to save everyone anyway?

Is everything MS makes cursed or something?

Might've been cool, but hardly a big loss. Everyone should just play the OG and forget nu-SW.

you think they care?

she also forgot that anakin gets the shit kicked out of him and loses an arm, then loses all his limbs
while Rey struggled all of once in the entire sequel trilogy, and that just before she got another plot power boost and killed palpy

>Kotor was made for the xbox, literally, and as such should continue to be.
Fuck are you talking about? It's on PC and Xbox.

It was made for xbox and then ported a bit later to PC

KOTOR came out nearly 20 years ago, faggot

if you unironically got shittershattered the remake was coming to PS5 and not XSX you're underage mentally if not physically.