Who won?

Who won?

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oblivion made me vomit

Who won what?

Breath of the wild


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Morrowind is clearly the best TES, only people who hate it are zoomies you know it’s good

Daggerfall is far superior to Morrowind.

I got play both of these excellent games as well as Morrowind.

Do you want to know who won?

Gamers. Now say thank you.

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Skyrim is prettier.
Oblivion is a better video game.

oblivion is the ugliest game known to man, skyrim looks like a hudson river school painting in comparison.
anyway morrowind is obviously the best elder scrolls and probably the only good elder scrolls now that i think about it.

Oblivion has good music, dated but nice looking visuals, spell making and portable alchemy, plenty of fun spells and quests.

Skyrim has none of these and is ugly as sin.

I haven’t played that one

i will NOT buy shitfield.

Theres very few things that distinguish Oblivion from being just as bad as Skyrim. Elder Scrolls has been in constant decline with its better parts getting cut out with each new game and we will never go back.

Daggerfall has the perfect framework to be the best TES game but is blatantly unfinished in so many ways.


Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim > Daggerfall >>>>>>>> Arena

Oblivion will always be my favorite but playing skyrim with the anniversary stuff is really nice and refreshing and I'm enjoying it. Atleast with Elder scrolls we didn't get shit like fallout 4 or 76.

I just played Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim back-to-back for the first time. There is not a single redeeming quality about Oblivion. Morrowind has more complexity in a better setting with more rewarding exploration and better writing. Skyrim has better gameplay. Oblivion has nothing but completely broken gameplay with too much of the fun bullshit from Morrowind removed but not enough of the combat or NPC AI improvements from Skyrim to make up for it. The only people who would prefer it over the other two games are the ones who played it as kids and have retarded nostalgia for it.


if someone made a mod that added Skyrim's dual casting system to Oblivion, i think they'd be tied. as it stands, Skyrim wins out with me off the strength of letting me shoot lightning out of one hand while i heal/buff myself with the other. i couldn't even imagine doing a full Mage run of Oblivion, i'd be bored to tears now.

Oblivion is the only good one without mods since its the only one with good quests and you can still have a lot of fun breaking the game with magic, tamriel rebuilt makes morrowind actually good by putting in good quests, skyrim is irremediable and enderal is only good if you turn your brain off and dungeon dive.

What complexity does Morrowind have? There are very few complex video games.


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zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom

Skyrim is like that decent friend. Nothing really special about him, can be shitty sometimes, but he's okay.
Oblivion is like your retarded friend. He's dumb as brick, act like a clown sometimes, but you can't really hate him.

Skyblivion won

you're going to buy starfield, whether you want to or not

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Post your character. I'll show you mine.

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I also played them back-to-back recently and I mostly agree. I realize one thing I didn't appreciate about Skyrim back in the day was the fact it had random encounters and how common they were. Slightly mitigates how painfully lifeless the game is. However Skyrim's writing is so irredeemably dogshit that I could see why someone would put Oblivion over it because of that alone.