I'm crying right now

Just wanted to let you guys know how pathetic I am, I'm stuck laying on my bed with feelings of inadequacy and hopelessness
nothing prompted this

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I'd kill you to get rid of my depression

A sink is not a bed...

cute cat

Don't worry user, we'll give you a good reason to feel depressed.

Seek help unironically. You don't feel normal and your brain is bad at realizing what normal is.

Is that you? You're cute.
Don't sleep in the sink though.

dude just transcend duality and recognize the emptiness of all things lmao

Is mental illness even real? I think everybody's making it up for attention and pity

Jack off.

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why not? it's well shaped and can serve as a urinal at the same time

Kot :)

It was most likely prompted by your inadequacy and hopelessness.

Because your owner needs to use it stupid.

Mental illness is real, but pills and "therapy" make it much worse.

not my problem


Just have a fap and you'll feel better.

Past a certain point, you just accept it.

Go be with your people.

I used to pee in the sink of my university room because I couldn’t be bothered to go upstairs. They’re so handy

It will be. Have fun with the faucet.