VRbros... Boomers are making fun of us in the funnies

VRbros... Boomers are making fun of us in the funnies

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i unironically don't get it


i don't get it

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I don't get it but I like it anyways.

maybe it's a play on "that's reality", in which case the guy should have said "that's the REAL virtual reality." but I don't get it still.

>my reality is that everyone needs the next big thing
>your reality is incorrect

Ooooooh now I get it

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They're teeth, sugar kills them.

>Boomers are making fun of us in the funnies
The guy who drew this died of cancer over a decade ago why do I know that...

at least this one makes sense. the shirt cracks me up though, as if the reader wouldn't get it

why are they on an island
or are they just in the desert?
why does this man have a storefront here?
where does the world go when he says "none"?

The reality is: don't care + fuck VR + ur a zoomer + you can't drive stick + you don't like water

How can you fucking retards not get it

I don't get it.

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political cartoons have to explain everything because not even their peers can understand their wit without them

imagine modern art, but it has an explanation printed on the piece

Close but the gamer certificate starts with a N

I guess they are par of the army? A lot of cartoonists like ripping off Beetle Bailey

The MC is clearly a French corporal stuck in Algeria, the comic is obviously set after WWII during the Algerian War. On a completely-unrelated note, France did nothing wrong in Algeria, for France can do no wrong, for it is the greatest country on Earth. Even when it looks like France did something wrong from the outside, it was completely correct, their motives are simply beyond the mind of us foreigners.

I'm not a frenchman by the way, that was just a post of pure truth and undeniable réalité.

How fucking long are the dad's legs jesus christ
Look at that fucking bed


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Non-incestuous, non-furry Any Forumsros, the boomer cat mom is making fun of us...

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you should always take the opportunity to make fun of normalniggers