ITT: Games that weren't given a fair chance

ITT: Games that weren't given a fair chance

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Actually a pretty chill and comfy game but fuck that ending.

Actual first game I platinumed.

I always liked his design

i always loved the aesthetic of this game but the combat minigame sucks cock and i'm not too huge on the inability to die

It deserves everything it got for ending. Blue balling player with some forgotten console release, yeah piss off

>endings is a cliffhanger
>you have to buy the DLC to see the real ending
>it also ends on a cliffhanger
I loved the game, from the aesthetic to the gameplay, but this was a jew move even for 2008 Ubisoft

>Still posting the same boring imgs
Is this supposed to be shocking or appealing? Either way its fucking boring by now

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I thought the ending was pretty good on replay, Prince needed to bring Elika back to give everyone a fighting chance, otherwise they'd all be doomed.
Personally I thought it was just clever way to do checkpoints - you do lose progress, but there is no game over screen or reload. You just get thrown back into action.

Overall I think the game had some good ideas and was ahead of its time.


>inability to die
I'll never understand this complaint. You don't see a game over screen or a loading one, but you do lose, you go go back to last checkpoint, and if you are fighting a boos they get a big chunk of health back.

I genuinly remember nothing at all from this game.
It was extremely forgettable.

Game was an an abortion from start to finish. Weak gimmick and you saw everything the game had to offer after 5 minutes.

I actually kinda loved the ending. It was almost comically bleak compared to the relatively chill rest of the game.

That said I'm pretty disappointed they set up a sequel in the DLC and then never followed up on it.

It didn't end on a cliffhanger. The prince grew to love Elika so much he doomed the world to bring her back. Fin.
The DLC was just cope for people like you.

It's funny, because within a few years literally every game was built the same way, with death just sending you back to a recent checkpoint.

Anyways, game was way better than people gave it credit for. I bought it used a few years after release and was shocked how good it was. Once you wrap your head around the fact that it had to be played like a rhythm game it's quite satisfying, plus it's one of the few genuinely pretty, colorful games from that whole brownan bloom era.

my parents wouldnt let me get the game because of the age rating, was it any good?

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Really fun but my biggest complaint is the non linear structure of the game. The level design would benefit greatly from having a linear progression, it would allow for much better platforming. The dialogue between the prince and Elika can also be pretty weird depending on the order you do things.
Also the early game platforming is painfully slow. The game is at its best when you're never stopping, just swinging from one thing to the next. The mid to late game is fun but I can see people dropping it before then.

Lost Planet 3 and Dead Space 3 got massively shat on before they were even released, and even if they are heavily flawed, they are decent.
Dead Space 3 in particular was criticized for stuff that 2 started (focus on action, character drama, multiplayer, supposedly P2W...)

It was fun if repetitive. It feels kinda zen more than anything. The gameplay is pretty basic but pretty fun.
It got a reputation for being casual because there wasn't a traditional lose state, but as user stated, it basically just sped up the process of restarting. If you fail a platforming section, you warp instantly to the beginning of it and if you fail a segment of a battle, that segment basically restarts instantly. But since you can't actually "die", it feels more "casual" than other games with similar reload structures that actually let you "die".

Aside from that, everyone remembers it because the ending is that the female lead sacrifices her life to seal away the evil demon that wants to destroy the world, but the male lead is so distraught by her sacrifice that he brings her back to life, which undoes the seal on said demon and the ending is him walking away from the temple carrying her as a wall of shadow descends on them. A rather bleak ending for an otherwise relatively light hearted game.

I reported every CP thread on Any Forums and got banned for 3 days for it, report at your own risk

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I still question myself to this day if his ceiling run is possible IRL.

Dead Space 3 was a decent coop game but it was a pretty bad dead space game. Wasn't scary at all, universal ammo basically removed any resource based tension, and enemies moved waaaaay too fast to mesh well with the series' focus on dismembering enemies. Also a lot of gun combos just felt underwhelming IMO.

That said, I really did like the coop things it did. Giving different players different info about the world was kinda brilliant, I remember playing as not-Isaac and I got a sidequest objective that I was telling my friend about. He didn't get the notification so we assumed he just missed it for whatever reason. And then I started seeing all sorts of shit he wasn't. And that was neat. I'd like to see more coop games experiment like that.

But yeah, it wasn't a very good dead space.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Is there really CP imbedded in the image? I haven't seen anyone do that since sink threads I don't think.

You need really thick carpets