Any Forums I just can't seem to get that n64-ish aesthetic for my buildings and models...

Any Forums I just can't seem to get that n64-ish aesthetic for my buildings and models, I'm thinking its the placement and makeup of the area and buildings. What do you think?

Attached: aesthetics.png (1922x1041, 1.78M)

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i dunno, post pics from a perspective that you would see playing the game

probably something like this, I already tested it within godot and it looked a little weird. I would post a pic from that but I deleted everything and don't feel like setting it back up. unless I get more feedback or desire to see it

Attached: 1.png (1921x1035, 1.64M)

Too many textures of varying quality automatically gives it that modern home brew feel. Too much detail as well, especially in the brick building. They probably would have had smaller buildings and a bit of fog in the distance to hide things from rendering too far back. Operation Winback is probably the N64 game with the closest aesthetic to what you're going for so you might want to crib from that. The look of those games came from fitting a game within the technical limitations of the N64. You're coming at this from the perspective of having many times more power at your hands. You have to put yourself under those same limitations or you'll never make something that runs true to what you're trying to copy.

>you have to put yourself under the same limitations
That's actually a pretty good idea.
Why don't you try making your game under 100 MB?
N64 games had at most 64 MB in size so it was a interesting challenge to squeeze it all in one package, thus birthing interesting techniques to save space.

Use references

maybe don't use low scale real life textures. that's PS1 era.

Maybe I should go with that, as I was looking up the limitations I believe it's said that the max individial texture size limit was about 4kb? Some of my textures are double that which might explain the extreme difference in texture quality

I know it's not a good excuse, but I use real life textures because it's easy and free

Attached: 2.png (1923x1038, 1.59M)

If you're looking for an n64 look, these are much too detailed. The bricks and windows really stick out to me in that regard. You probably need to stretch out some low res textures over much wider areas.
Might help to look at some actual examples on the system too. I'm just going off of memory.

It's not about an excuse, what are you even trying to achieve? First of all, the resolution of the textures is all over the place. Try and have them all looking similar or else they end up clashing with each other. Try adding fog and stuff to blend some of the more distant textures, especially for the industrial stuff in the back which are terribly cropped

Its not like every N64 texture was hand made. They used photos and licensed texture packs often. They were just never able to photograph a whole face of a building and texture a cube with that. Everything was a bit more of a creative interpretation built out of bits and pieces. In your model a building where every window is a little different instantly looks wrong for what you're trying to do. It world probably have been built out of a repeating texture.

not just 4kb, the resolution/color is also very limited.
for example with 32bit color your texture resolution is limited to 32x32.

I think the best way to explain what I'm trying to achieve is that I would like to take something like pic related and downscale it both in textures and model complexity to that of something that might have appeared on the Nintendo64.

For those industrial things, do you think I should be making those into transparent textures? Or break them down into smaller textures and tile them ontop of each other maybe?

Huh I didn't think of it that way, did people just use a single tileable brick texture, then put smaller planes ontop of that model with the texture containing the windows?

I might have to look and research more into texture resolution and color, as I'm not entirely sure how to fix this. Would I change the amount of colors within one of my images to a lower amount?

I know I'm retarded everyone and approaching this probably like some highschool kid, but I really appreciate the advice from everyone

Attached: example_1.jpg (1920x1080, 279.6K)

It's a little "sharp" in my opinion. Looks like the prerendered backgrounds for Resident Evil 2 or an amateur GMOD map. Actual models were a lot muddier. The closest thing to what your intention is probably the Nightmare Creatures N64 port.
Another more "nintendo" feeling example.

activate windows my man

It's the lighting.
Mario 64 had light coming from the top-left of the screen at all times and no other light sources.

that's some early 00s PC game aesthetic.

textures too high-res and realistic

32x64/64x32 for 16bpp

Did n64 have texture filtering?
I see your textures have filtering enabled, I recommend you switch the textures to nearest neighbor (it's called something else in blender, maybe cubic, I forgot).

n64 does bilinear texture scaling. ps1 is the one that does nearest neighbor

In blender it's closest, and yeah that was the ps1 I believe.