What would the gaming industry be like without NPCs?

What would the gaming industry be like without NPCs?

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faggots like you wouldn't make threads like these so i'd be down for it

irrelevant, mostly.
dislike them all you want, they bring in the bulk of the money.

Angry insecure npc

you who forces this meme dough

Well, indies would still exist I guess. And since they're pretty much 98% of what's worth playing today, I'd say we'd be ok.

Sadly true.
I hope with their nonexistence the reverse of pic related happens and games become more niche and thus made with more passion and detail .

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Would they? I mean, yeah, but to a FAR lesser extend.
The massive market is the reason why there are so many indie devs. There are a lot of niches to fill. That wouldn't be possible without the NPCs bringing the sheer numbers.

>bulk of money
Good games back then didn't need shit load of budget AAAs get today and frankly they are garb
Indies would turn mainstream which is a good thing.
I'd argue that investment inflation would be cut off we would see well funded indies even more.

>When a high culture turns into pop culture

>Good games back then didn't need shit load of budget AAAs get today and frankly they are garb
I wasn't really talking about AAA budgets.
Lots of money circulating in a market leads to lots of competing products. If gaming were niche, this couldn't happen. There'd also be very few indie devs. Even if it's a passion project, you still need to finance it somehow. The smaller the market, the less the chance to make it, and the less motivation indies as well as large studios have.

>I'd argue that investment inflation would be cut off we would see well funded indies even more.

Completely agree. I feel that we would have similar stuff if somehow the cinema industry crashed. Indie movies would probably have a better funding and we'd have a lot more quality stuff.

we wouldnt have the magaturd following thats for sure

It'd be all MMO's.

If you remove marketing slaves and the industry does not crash then the result would probably be:
>Openworld games would be less bloat and barely present.
>It would be rare to see long-running franchises with no conclusion in sight that mostly coast on their brand recognition.
>Preorders would not exist.
>Consoles would barely exist and even then they'd compete with emulation.
>Linux support would be strong since you wouldn't have an overwhelming market share of people who just use whatever comes with their laptop.
>No corporate mandated social media support for retarded shit that no one at the company believes in.

>No political bullshit
>No bloated open worlds
>No multiplayer-only free-to-play cashgrabs
>No microtransactions
>Long-running franchises would end, spawning spiritual successors
>AAA games would still dare to innovate
>AA games would still be a thing

It wouldn't because you were the NPCs in the 80s and 90s. Maybe you still are, but you just want to feel different than ze normalfags.

the popularity of games like braid is what brought the flock of all the san francisco hipster that think a game about serving coffee to a lesbian count as an adventure game and not libs propaganda

so no, things would be better without NPCs even on that side

do people actually like this game or do they just pretend to like it for the sake of being different?
because that game is so utterly boring and trivial. i never got the hype around it.

Nintendo would go bankrupt

>a world without chuds

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who mines all the resources?
who does the plumbing?

Fallout 76
