''indie'' game

>''indie'' game
>but it's published by EA or any other major publisher

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indie is an aesthetic

independent developer is a aesthetic?

>indie game

Attached: facered.jpg (1000x1000, 66.19K)

low rez joosten

name four (4) games that do this

Unravel, Unravel 2, Fe and Sea Of Solitude

AA never died they just started pretending to be indies

Depends on the budget really and who gets to keep ownership of the game. If a small studio does contract work for a publisher but doesn't own the ip afterwards I don't think that counts as indie. If they keep the IP and it cost 30 million I also wouldn't consider that indie.

indie isn't a budget
indie isn't a "who owns it after"
indie isn't an artstyle
indie isn't a game mechanic

indie isn't any of that shit, it literally means "no big corp is involved" and that the developer is INDEPENENT
wooooooow bet that was a reveleation for ya

Child of Light

Indies get investors. Indies use kickstarters. How else would they get money?

the word indie means nothing anymore when you have teams of 20+ developers making AAA-lite shit and the entire vidya press praises it as muh underground quirky indie hit

investors and kickstarters don't beholden (unless they choose it to be that way) the dev to behave any way or ensure that something is or isn't in the game and restrict their creative decisions

read what I said before, indie isn't a budget
you literally didn't say anything that even had a fraction of something to do with what I posted
are you a bot?

you made a lot of claims but where's your definition come from? Its obvious this is a nebulous term and is debatable. An indie dev taking a million from Microsoft to show up on gamepass doesn't stop being an indie studio.

>An indie dev taking a million from Microsoft to show up on gamepass doesn't stop being an indie studio.
right, and where does this statement contradict anything I've said?
I just said, now for the third time, that indie isn't a budget

Now if Microsoft had stipulation that they get say in the game because of that money, then yes they do stop being indie, since they're no longer "independent"
>but where's your definition come from?
from the literal fucking dictionary definition of the words retard

got a link?

Why are you so angry?


yea I thought you were bullshitting.

EA published those games?


Indie studios aren't owned by any major parent company. That doesn't mean they can't strike a deal with a major publisher to market their product in exchange for rev share. Simple as.

>An indie game, short for independent video game, is a video game typically created by individuals or smaller development teams without the financial and technical support of a large game publisher, in contrast to most "AAA" (triple-A) games. However, the "indie" term may apply to other scenarios where the development of the game has some measure of independence from a publisher even if a publisher helps fund and distribute a game, such as creative freedom.


I dont care if its from wiki. Indie isn't a cut and dry term.


because you for some reason are agreeing with me but acting like you're making a point against what i said
either illiterate or not even understanding words
pic related

Attached: use google you moron.png (691x372, 16.65K)

great so we have conflicting definitions.

>Indie isn't a cut and dry term.
literally as cut and dry as it gets
this word for word is exactly what i repeated in this thread, yet you somehow think it's different?

My sides are fucking melting whenever I see this cat

>great so we have conflicting definitions.
ok it's confirmed, you're ESL
the definitions are literally the same

well yea the studio is still independent. They are just taking money from a publisher. If the Fuck the Oscars guy gets millions from EA and they dont tell him what to do then its still indie.

If you arent creatively and financially independent from major publishers you are not independent.

did you not read this part?
>However, the "indie" term may apply to other scenarios where the development of the game has some measure of independence from a publisher even if a publisher helps fund and distribute a game, such as creative freedom.
