Elden Ring Bosses

What went wrong?

Attached: elden-beast.jpg (1920x1080, 306.17K)

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Janky movement

DaS3 was designed for fast roll, but people wanted to wear armor, so they made midroll fast roll with 2 less iframes. Two """hard""" games of speedy bullshit later, you are now expected to watch the boss do their cool combo for fifteen seconds straight while you wait for the privilege of pressing R1 once and maybe not getting hit by it.
Because that's what fans of the series want, apparently. You wanted it to be an action game. This is what action games are. Do you not like it?

Music was kino and the fight looked cool, I do wish the Elden Beast was actually a little less formless looking though, too many defined body parts.

I originally shared the idea that Elden Ring bosses were for the most part too active or agressive and without propper windows, and that thay were a downgrade from DS3's bossfights, but after replaying the game a few more times and learning the bossfights better, I like them a lot more than many of DS3's. Still, some of ER's main bosses are bad, but most of them are among the best in any Souls game, but most people will still hate on them because they suck at the game so they can't possibly enjoy them, and because their opinion will be based solely on one playthrough.

Not much. All of them are pretty good except for one of them. Forgot the name, but he swings a really big weapon around a few times and he also has a big vertical slam that tracks you. You know the one. Big weapon and big vertical slam. All of them are great except for that one.

They had a good thing going in Dark Souls 3 where they actually met the perfect balance between boss attack patterns and speed when compared to what the player can do.

In Elden Ring they wanted to add 12,000 grams of anime to the point every fucking boss is coked the fuck out and going hyper speeds and spinning and doing never ending attack patterns like they're practicing and labbing up their motherfucking Under-Night combos. These bosses cannot relax for one fucking moment without going full GEDDAN and shitting all over the screen with their bullshit.
Now combine this with pointlessly high late game boss health, boss AI that will input read your heals, and bosses that will ONLY continue their main attack combo if you decide to also attack them and you've got a genuinely dog shit experience for the player.

Attached: 1446675843497.jpg (500x500, 28.98K)

They killed the middle class. Their appeal was to the absolute low end casual and top end sperg. It left every moderate gamer to either resort to cheese and join the casuals, or sperg out and remove all the fun from the game by "gitting gud".

That's a lot of text for saying you would like the game to be easier.

They slapped sekiro bosses into slow dark souls game

The final stretch of the game is basically a 4 boss boss rush (or in my case 5 since I did Crumbling Farum Azula up until Maliketh before the Haligtree).

Gimmick easy
>Fire giant
Would be fair if not for camera jank
1st legitimately unfun/unfair boss due to spam
Intentionally impossible for a meme
>Elden beast
Fair except for shooting ball light thing and the flying circle attack, just use holy resistance

>all other bosses
who cares lmao just use ashes

There were too many of them so they were all too easy.
There were normal enemies that were more difficult than most of the bosses.


so big you can't see what attacks they're doing if you're close to them because 90% of their body is off screen
lots of random chaos storm style area attacks that are hard to parse where they're going to hit
hit and run tactics from bosses is frustrating to play against, something several times your size shouldn't also be 10x faster than you

It's just not fun

He's fine
Not the best but a decent spectacle to end the game on
Run to where he's going to be, not where he started from

I 100% buy the idea that they were going to include Torrent.

wonder why they decided against it because yeah that would make sense

Nothing, even without Radagon that is one of the best designed bosses in the series, Elden Beast is still the second best final boss after Isshin.

I really liked this boss, and I feel like I'm the only one