Why are zoomers afraid of rooms?

why are zoomers afraid of rooms?

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They're not.
It's pretty hard to get zoomers to go outside.

The anti-liminal-space lobby on Any Forums is far more annoying than the liminal-spaces redditors ever were.

>horror is more popular than ever
>horror games are the worst they've ever been
explain this one atheists

>move out of parents house
>enter new apartment
>see this
>return to parent's house

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>It's pretty hard to get zoomers to go outside.

What a ridiculous generalization, and an ironic one coming from a Any Forums poster.

It's like people don't actually want to be scared.
They just want violent surprises.

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because there are deadly creatures, lack of other people or food or water, its nearly impossible to leave, and you can enter at any moment by just falling down in a weird way?

>drinking water
oh my days

Why are you so offended

>there are deadly creatures
This totally ruins the appeal of liminal spaces in the first place, and is a videogame trope, not really related to liminal spaces in the first place.

Zoomers are way more scared of making a phone call.

haha you really think I'd let you get out??

I wasn't offended, I criticised something dumb.

>1 (one) idea floating around the internet
>people pile in and build on it because internet are freely available to millions worldwide
Why do boomerpilled millennials can't comprehend that concept?

wasent the point of the backrooms that it was an average room but twisted into an infinite inescapable hell labyrinth and not the liminal space shit Any Forumsfags are far more obsessed with than any zoomer I've seen?

All the add on ideas suck.

we get it, it's just that adding jumpscare monsters and a storyline to liminal spaces is fucking stupid

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the backrooms originated as something like a backstory tacked on to liminal spaces, because zoomers can't into abstract or nonverbal concepts.


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The original backrooms post flat out mentions that there's something(s) lurking around in there with you and you should pray to god that it doesn't hear you, implying that it's dangerous.
Being trapped in an endless maze until you eventually starve is one of the points, but also the thought of other malicious entities wandering around in there with you as well.
People definitely ruined it by going overboard and filling it with too many things, but it was never about just being alone. A monster(s) were always a part of the concept.