I opened this thread yesterday, this is the update

>I opened this thread yesterday, this is the update.
I caved in and purchased Shadowlands, the campaign is amazing. I'm actually having fun and enjoying questing. I'm reading quests and following the story. Never have I done this in WoW before. If you haven't played in a long time don't let anyone discourage (like I was) for giving modern wow a try, this absolutely shits on vanilla/bc/wotlk. It might not feel as groundbreaking as those were in their prime but still absolutely a blast to play. I'm looking forward to try the endgame.

Attached: shadowlands.jpg (800x800, 173.26K)

The graphics are amazing, the combat is fun (I'm leveling as feral). Great sound and voice acting. It is pretty much a relaxing single player experience not the mind-numbing chore that questing in WoW used to be.

damn bro maybe you'll get a permanent role in the milk room
good luck, unpaid intern

shadowlands™ is soo fun

Nice thread Ahmed! I really think this one will bring the players back!

But seriously, how do I get a gig like that?
Getting paid to shitpost? Jannies get paid $0.00 (that's zero point zero zero dollars) to clean it up?Sounds like heaven

Attached: e55[1].png (1196x624, 144.95K)

>I caved in and purchased Shadowlands, the campaign is amazing. I'm actually having fun and enjoying questing. I'm reading quests and following the story. Never have I done this in WoW before. If you haven't played in a long time don't let anyone discourage (like I was) for giving modern wow a try, this absolutely shits on vanilla/bc/wotlk. It might not feel as groundbreaking as those were in their prime but still absolutely a blast to play. I'm looking forward to try the endgame.

Attached: golem.jpg (413x414, 81.35K)

You guys really need to remove your rose tinted glasses if you think classic is remotely as enjoyable as this. I've nearly thrown up two days ago while I was questing in feralas on the Burning Crusade realms. That game is extremely dull, boring and slow in 2022. This is coming from someone who is an avid Blizzard fanboy since 1998 and whose life was WoW from Vanilla to MoP.

the sub numbers must be really bad right now

Thought you were supposed to shill whatever is the next pozzed cum covered shit their prolapsed faggot assholes splurted out.

Anyway, guys, remember that sage is still an option when posting in shill threads.

Sneedolands' lore is garbage
Zones only being connected through Oribos so you waste more time on flight paths is cancerous
Sneedolands one-upping BfA for randomness sucks ass
>x is a random drop from a random rare that randomly spawns during a randomly generated world quest
SL's world quests in general have been another step down from BfA, taking longer to complete with worse rewards
Covenant system has been absolutely shit until 9.1.5
Covenant system is still garbage for collectors
Retardly slow patch cadence (muh covid)
Korthia was much too small to be considered "major patch"-worthy

I just started playing WoW 2 days ago and I agree with OP. I played Legion back in 2017, and I'm having waaay more fun now than I did then.

This may be a dumb question to ask, but is Shadowlands a separate purchase I have to make other than my subscription?

someone post that paid content jpeg

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

I literally remember nothing from the story of SL.
BFA had it's good moments like the Drustvar questline for the alliance.
But SL is a total blank, I try to remember something that I liked and I cannot.
Gameplay wise SL is better than BFA of course, less rng in the systems but more grinding if you want to raid at mythic difficulty.

Yes unfortunately. It was 50% off just a month ago.

>I'm actually having fun and enjoying questing
Prepare to head your head against the wall.

Buying SL at this point is not a fiscally wise decision.
Wait for DF to release and buy that one.

Shadowlands is based af and relatively grind free to other MMOs and/or Legion, and it's only hated by shitters who jumped on Shadowbringers/New World/Lost Ark trains but I thought the main campaign was shit, even though it had a lot of nostalgia bait and "epic" moments.

BfA base campaign was better, even if the gameplay was some shitty daily/weekly AP/WQ/Legendary cloak grindfest that drove me mad.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-26 071313.png (466x346, 278.03K)

Good for you, I'm still not buying it.

SL's worst systems are only tolerable now because it's end of expansion and they cut down on the grind

The story and writing will always be their worst

There isn't even any good porn of it