If indie devs keep making bullshit like this, we should start requiring a license to make games

If indie devs keep making bullshit like this, we should start requiring a license to make games

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why do you go out of your way to play games like this, OP? answer me.

It's a top 5 all-time western indie game
Too bad you got filtered

>oi m8 u got a loicense for that indie game?

How many years they took to finish the game again?

Complaining about KRZ when there are hundreds of filmed movies, actual movies, on the steam store with "choices" you press once every 20 minutes is insane

How was I meant to know it wasn't even a game? I thought false advertising was illegal.


Why do losers with no power say "we"?

7 fucking years

If fucking barbers need a license to cut hair, developers absolutely need license to make games.

Extremely good argument against licenses to cut hair, thank you

You are actually insane.

How? Are you seriously telling me developers have less influence than fucking barbers?

>Game dev messes up
>Get shitty game no one asks you to play
>Even if you did play it, it's just time wasted
>Barber messes up
>Haircut is ruined, your head is messed up, there's cuts and bruises everywhere, you're bleeding on the ground
Who cares about pieces of entertainment retard. Just don't consume it.

One is a creative medium that's extremely subjective, while the other is a profession that serves a specific utility, with a clearly defined right and wrong.

The lengths people will go to try and deem something they don't like as objectively bad astounds me.

Yeah dude, accidental barber scalpings are totally a thing. Meanwhile, kids who get inspired from games to shoot up schools aren't a thing, right? Fucking dipshit.

Btw airplane simulators literally taught a dude how to hijack and crash a commercial airplane.

You can bet your ass games will be highly regulated in the years to come.

What the fuck are they gonna do? Raid my house because I illegally started up Visual Studio?

barbers have to have licenses for health reasons dumbass

OP is a faggot

Yeah, because people were dropping like flies before regulations were rolled out in the mid-20th century. You hear about all those barber-related deaths in countries without regulations? Terrible shame, dude.

(You are a gargantuan moron.)

Unironically yes.

>OP is legitimately insane

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