I was just playing Horizon Zero Dawn and it came to me that im not having fun. This game isnt stimulating me in any way...

I was just playing Horizon Zero Dawn and it came to me that im not having fun. This game isnt stimulating me in any way, and it feels more like a sequence of chores that i just want to be done with so i can unistall it and move on.

What was the last time you played a game that was actually truly fun?

Attached: 1658635439864469.jpg (800x800, 81.55K)

go play sekiro you fuck

Welcome to PlayStation exclusives.

HZD is trash. I've started it 3 times and never got beyond like two of the quests in the sun place. Human combat is trash, Aloy feels like she doesn't exist in the world and animations are awful

That's just the typical Sony exclusive and Ubisoft experience, broaden your horizons

Sekiros a chore too
>oh you died? Now you must work your way back through 20 guys you already killed over and over and over :^)
Just start me at the boss where I died like literally every other game other than souls shit Jesus

Should've played a good game then.

webm related.

Attached: [sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fhgnekn.mp3].webm (622x350, 2.84M)

Lara croft 2013

Sekiro has statues just before boss, the fuck are you talking about?

after BB souls games started farting checkpoints out absolutely everywhere just for you, this includes Sekiro

Last night, playing ascension wow. I tried their new custom death match battle grounds and it was a lot of fun. Its basically one team fight that slowly pushes across the map towards the losing enemies graveyard. When it isnt completely one sided, it becomes this twisted game of red rover. Both teams line up and take turns charging / blinking into the enemy cluster to try and make an opening. Its especially exciting to have such a fresh gameplay experience with a title I've burnt myself out on several times in my life.

I played through bloodborne again just because its been a while. Played the game two and a half times because I was having so much fun. Fucking great game. First time I played the dlc too. It was really good. FPS and loads weren't too bad on ps5 either.

I've been playing PSO all day. Went from level 114-118. Trying to get a goddamn Frozen Shooter but no luck so far. Did get a Heavenly/Power though.

HZD gameplay is jank, the characters are absolutely lifeless and the narrative is woke. Only redeeming parts are pretty world and the overarching storyline which is decent.

Did you expect to have fun? It's a western game

The drunk guy has exactly the thing he said.

Play Tetris.

Great opportunity to vent, thank you OP. My vote goes for: Halo MCC
Every fucking Halo campaign SUCKS BALLS. I even have muh nostalgia of playing 1, 2, 3 co-op at my friends' houses as a young lad. Across every objective measurement of vidya gaming, the campaigns of Halo FUCKING SUCK. Would not rate a single one of them beyond a 6/10
>green valley environment
>blow up a handful of aliens
>enemy ship comes, repeat x2
>move to next brown valley environment
>repeat x2
>now it's a snowy valley
>grey interior of hallways
>go deep into this shit now fight annoying Flood enemies with the worst enemy characteristics in gaming (basically tiny exploding Cliff Racers)
>you got inside? cool now backtrack and go outside
>gay story and dialogue with some ambiguous relationship between you and AI shitfu that's ugly and annoying
>C- tier movie script
Truly HORRENDOUS and I am fucking PISSED off trying to force myself to finish this shit and uninstall forever. Goddam, ODST?!?!
>dropped off in pitch black city with a few neon lights
>forces you to use nightvision/HUD thing that adds scan lines and green tint to your vision
>so what the fuck is it?! Neo noir dark city setting you cannot functionally play in, or disgusting post-processing overlays
>zero objective, zero reason to care about "accomplishing" anything
>zero atmosphere, could have been Cyberpunk of 2009 but instead is a boring as shit empty, black city
>fight pockets of enemies while having to travel thousands of meters to next objective
>repeat 8x times to progress through shit campaign missions
>again, retarded pre-teen tier romance between characters thrown in for no fucking reason
Please someone challenge anything I said to make me see it in a different light, I DESPISE Halo and anyone who thinks it's a quality franchise. Multiplayer is passable and meh, different debate

that's just your opinion man i won't argue

The OST is probably the strength beyond every single mechanic of actual gameplay/design/story. It's ok. Everything else? Beyond dogshit unless you're 11 years old and think The Avengers is the most kino movie ever (honestly even Avengers is better story/script/dialogue than the trash of Halo campaigns)

let's no go that far, halo has some cool existential theme with the flood

>me when no gf

im playing cuphead right now