>Negative honor if you don't help Sadie with her revenge
seriously wtf did Rockstar mean by this?

Attached: arthur.gif (500x303, 117.24K)

Women are always right and you must simp for them when possible, no excuses.

Sadie should've died after getting shanked by a bowie knife but Rockstar was too pussy to kill her off

Sadie was awful and clearly a reaction to people clambering for strong female characters.
>Camp cook wants Sadie to help out
And then she later made fun of the camp cook who wrote a romantic letter to his wife. Fucking cunt.

John should have been tasked to go after Sadie too

yeah sadie was a cunt
kept moping around and calling the gang a bunch of scum
if she was a romance option I wouldve forgiven more of her bs but as it is now shes terrible

RDR2 characters are so pozzed and cringe compared to RDR1. My wife Bonnie Mcfarland mogs the whole diverse cast of the camp

>And then she later made fun of the camp cook who wrote a romantic letter to his wife. Fucking cunt.
Person was the best, loved the hunting mission with him. Him working at the store post game and having a picture was really touching.

Sadie feels like a Deviantart OC
>can overwhelm 3 men with guns who all atatck at one with just one knife
>saves the camp from the pinkertons
>saves John
>becomes badass bounty hounter (yes women can do that too!!!)

Fucking cringe

How do we feel about Charles? Black/Indian character who always had Arthur's back?

charles and javier were good characters. They knew their role and stayed in the background mostly. Sadie is just unforgivable

You also get positive honor points for killing that one guy in Saint Denis. The honor system is completly retarded

Sadie was pretty cool
In all honesty I think most characters in RDR2 were good, Dutch being the obvious best and even Micah was cool in his cartoonishly villainous ways

>doesn't tag along with friends to keep them out of trouble when they do something retarded
What would you know of honor?

You can blow off his head in front of a police officer too and they don't care. But accidently bump into someone and they try to kill you.

How did they get away with making a masculine, handsome and rugged white main protagonist in 2020. The game was almost entirely unpozzed

>retarded women friends
pick one

They would never get away with it today

Attached: based arthur.jpg (1899x1071, 562.12K)

>kill man for kidnapping teammate
>negative honour
>kill redneck to steal his horses
>no negative honour
Am I crazy for thinking it's just because one was white and the other was black?

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This cat is more entertaining than RDR2.

Double moral and crappy game

The problem was how she was introduced and her whole strong independent woman thing, but she eventually won my respect. She is the only gun who sticks with you at the end when Marston gets fucked.