Has way more active players than halo infinite

>has way more active players than halo infinite

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*climbs onto your ship holding a stronghold powder keg*
heh..... nothin personnel kid...

is this any good?

Yes, but like any game, especially for sandboxes, it depends on the player.

when will the offline server files leak goddamnit

Do you have to play multiplayer or is solo viable?

solo is fine but you're going to have a more difficult time defending yourself against anyone wanting to fight you, plus you won't have someone to keep an eye out for incoming boats when you're parked up on an island looking for treasure or whatever

whenever I'm playing solo and I just want low effort cash I buy commodities at outposts and then sell them at other outposts at a higher price. I find it comfy but ymmv

In that case, can you group up with randoms or do you gotta play with people in your friendslist first? Does it have a party up system?

You can do an open crew, where the game automatically groups people together on a ship. You can also make alliances with other ships you encounter on the see.

good game with randos
great game with friends
PvP will either be a great battle between you and some swarthy nigger or a gankfest that ruins your whole session

god I want to play that game so bad but I’m too scared to set sail on my own and too autistic to use my mic with strangers

give it a go user, even if you don't stick with it long term its honestly an unmatched experience the first few times, assuming you're going in blind and haven't looked everything up on a wiki

no I’m scared of getting attacked by a sea monster. I’ll alt f4 instantly if I’m alone on my ship

this, the game is truly incredible before the community inevitably ruins it for you, and trust me it will in time.

You're much more likely to be attacked by another ship than monsters.

But I will admit the first time the Kraken comes after you is pretty spooky. Sound gets quiet, the ship stops, and the sea turns black

Is the new stuff like captain quarters customization available yet?

I heard pvp is janky with networking issues, how true is this?

Next Thursday.

>PvP will either be a great battle between you and some swarthy nigger or a gankfest that ruins your whole session
the PVP is actual dogshit
t. dude in a galleon who after 4 hours of chill treasure hunting got fucked over by 2 dudes in a dingy who could respawn infinitely so we couldn't dock and just stop playing at 4 AM fuck this retarded game design

Hit registration for the firearms can be wonky a lot of times and you might not hit shots that should have. It's tolerable but noticeable.

From my experience sounds like a lie, unless they were talking about the matchmaking mode where you just beat the shit out of each other, no one plays that so it takes forever to find a match.

it's not janky because of that necessarily, but because you actually have to learn how to aim your cannons to hit enemy ships. you gotta lead your shots and coordinate with whoever's driving your ship

So you're saying you had a bigger more powerful ship AND you outnumbered the other ship two to one and you still couldn't beat them?

Sounds like you're mad because you're bad.

lmao imagine being in a galleon and getting completely outplayed by a sloop

No I beat them about three times, but they could just respawn and get to us while docked at 4 AM so no one felt like having to waste 30 minutes circlestrafing next to an island for the privilege to stop playing

death by a thousand cuts and all that, sloop niggers

So you're still bad, because in between every single sink you would have had more than enough time to stop at an outpost and sell.