Elden Lord

80% of you couldn't beat the game?

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The people that got that achievement just backed-up their save file and restored it until they had every ending.

I could beat the game but its fucking boring

i quit at the sewer level, liurnia, out of boredom

correct answer

Which is the right way to do it. It's not an achievement to play through the whole thing again for a different ending. You've already earned it.

cope, cheater.

>Just play through the game again just to pick a different option for a different ending

Bought it day one, i'm just taking my time.

I genuinely played the game three times in a row because I liked it so much.

see the cheevo right above it? that too is a ending. thats 44% of people beating the game

There's being a casual but there's a limit to that faggotry user. You just need to sell all your games and commit to being a normie. Choose a path or get out.

That's a shit metric as some people would go for one ending and then drop the game, while others would go for multiple

There's no way to tell how many people did complete the game at least once, but the age of stars being the most popular means that plenty of people were using a guide as this was pretty much the easiest ending to miss

Fags followed the guidance of grace and got trolled into following the most boring and lengthy path, real men go to Caelid first and steamroll everything up to mountaintops.

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Glad I did because the only good endings were Age of Stars and the Chaos ending. Rest were recolors of the same ending over and over.

You cheated, your achievements will never be legit

I've pretty much almost beat the game. I've had access to the final boss for a while now. Still trying to beat the bitch by the tree. Malenia? before I finish the game.

>The falling leafs tell a story..........

I would have never ever completed a single fucking quest in this game without looking stuff up

Just don't get hit and use fire.

She's really not that hard. It's that water fowl dance that fucks me every single time. I just can't dodge it for the life of me.

Video game achievements are worthless. The only thing that matter is whether or not you enjoyed your time spent. Elden Ring was only good enough for a single playthrough for me, the game stops being enjoyable about midway through.

Safest way to avoid it is using bloodhound step, the git gud way is to be directly under her and rolling in and out granted if you overextend or run out of stamina when that attack begins you will get hit and die.

i stopped playing 50 hours in to play other games instead, nothing was difficult besides beating that old man at the beginning on level 1 but it couldn't hold my interest anymore

i spent 200 hours exploring and doing everything but the main story. finally got to the capital and just lost interest.

So far I only have the Elden Throne ending. I'm going for Age of Stars next.

One of the very few games I bothered to get all the achievements in. I only play 4 or 5 games a year and usually just blast through the story and never go back

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