Since when it became acceptable within video game culture to be riddled with mental illnesses and be proud about it?

Since when it became acceptable within video game culture to be riddled with mental illnesses and be proud about it?

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>Since when it became acceptable to be riddled with mental illnesses and be proud about it?

nice english shitskin
maybe ask yourself, seaniggers like you make up the majority of schizos worldwide

always has been

Has it? I think you are making shit up again

>fan that hasn't been turned off in three years

it's called coping
it's a normal human response to being mentally ill

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When you put a camera at yourself and make money off other losers watching you play.
Gaming livestreams have been a blight on humanity.

t. assblasted autist

you will never be white

How does the fan factor into adhd or whatever?

When people make comics like this, they aren't thinking "hey look at me I'm so cool for all these negative things" you fucking shitskin.
They're poking fun at negative traits they share and other people relate to it because they do the same stupid shit as well.

i don't know but tiktok is the epitome of this low attention span shit, you should check it out fellow boomer


Good. This is what white men are doing while white women fuck everything including dogs except other white men.


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you mean in society in general? idk its a failed experiment at this point most people are completely insane. most of these people are crying for help only to be met with 'haha so true'

>fan that hasn’t been turned off in 3 years
Okay, fuck you.

ADHD makes you agitated with a true silence, thus a continuous source of white noise helps with focus and sleep.

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It’s fucking hot man

attention seeking women

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medicine and doctors are too expensive. At least by talking to strangers you about it you feel less alone. It's not really healthy or good, at least I don't think it is, but it is what it is.
t. undiagnosed autist


>be riddled with mental illnesses and be proud about it?
That's an american thing, not a gamer thing.

Wooow I'm so quirky and mentally ill.

As someone who had diagnosed ADHD before I even picked up a phone as opposed to instant gratification labelled as ADHD, the whole mental health awareness movement is essentially LARP, they turned mental illnesses into star signs.

If you have actual ADHD, there are a lot of benefits to it if you can control your impulses. I refuse to take medication.

So turn your heat down in winter.

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>I do all of these
>This is basically my fucking setup, but 1 movie not 2
Uhh bros....does this mean that I have...?

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nigger internet users have been glorifying mental illness for fucking decades, Any Forums did it, tumblr did it and now all of social media does it.

Around 2015 or so, when it started to become popular everywhere else.

>t. undiagnosed autist

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What is the alternative? To shun and reject people? The picture there is making fun of a bunch of stereotypes but none of those stereotypes are actually harmful to the person or the people around him. So there's a bit of a disconnect between the picture making fun, and you asking why it's acceptable that the people exist. I think that anyone who looks at this for longer than 2 seconds can answer your question, and the answer is "if it's not hurting anybody, it isn't a big deal."

been here since 2010, calling other autists was supposed to be an insult just like retarded.

Same. Though medication for me can be helpful but only in some circumstances, not an everyday thing.

yes, you have diabeetus you fat fuck


what's the solution? Adderall is addictive and painful. better to accept that your brain is retarded and move on

Turn my what down?

This is why it's so so important to medicate your kids

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Sometimes I'll just chill next to the dryer while it's on. The low, continuous rumble that drowns everything else out is calming.

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I got diagnosed with assburgers at 30+ and thought that knowing would change anything. But everything's the same.

I take an aspirin sometimes, what the fuck is wrong with this gay earth

Imagine being this person
>Wow that's a lot of pills, do you have cancer or something?
>No, I'm in complete physical health I'm just so pathetic that I need these to cope with everyday life

Nothing changes unless you tell people about your assburgers, in which, they will treat you weirdly simply because you have assburgers. That's why i don't tell people except very few that i have the burger

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i have the same thing with the oven. the faint glow from the light really adds to it

>I believe everything I see on the internet, but I am not mentally ill I swear!

Tumblr's fake mental illness shit became vogue when the terminally horny faggots moved to twitter after Tumblr said no tiddy.

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What good a diagnosis would do anyway? At 30+ you can kinda tell already yourself.
