Why the fuck did they turn vaas into ninja from die antwoord in far cry 6?

why the fuck did they turn vaas into ninja from die antwoord in far cry 6?

Attached: featured-far-cry-6-how-to-get-vaas-weapons-and-armor.jpg (1200x675, 61.29K)

literally me when I take my joker makeup off

>literally me
Fuck off zoomer

imagine being so easily baited

He's not a solid guy

get it together user.

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>Write one mildly interesting villain
>Milk it for all its worth because it'll sell
God I hate videogames.

Not your call

That's my boy :3

Attached: https___hiddenremote.com_files_2018_08_Nacho-Better-Call-Saul-850x560.jpg (736x485, 37.85K)

who the fuck is vaas?

>come into a thread about a game you never played and start asking stupid fucking questions

English, you speak it?

The madness of his face: he's half Deathloop and half Rage2

I don't care about how much you suck some random dude's cock. That's your business. It's a simple question. Who is he?

if you dont know who vaas is this thread is entirely irrelevant to you


and it turns out the mode was designed for FUCKING CO-OP fuck this shit id rather die than let someone tell me how to play

This DLC was pretty good

>roguelite garbage
no its trash

That's what makes it fun. The game had a great arcade feel to it. Getting the right abilities and then cutting through enemies like butter is satisfiying.The combat arenas were also way better than the ones in the main game, except maybe the ship at the beginning.

>you are meant to die and LOSE is fun
no losing is not fun dying is not fun FAILING is not fun

>Bad boys
>Tough boys
>Hot boys
>I think you freaky and i like you a lot

if your going to be cringy at least find the right lyrics