How's your empire faring user?

How's your empire faring user?

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Recently got back into EU4 with a few buddies. We've been having a good time playing online a few evenings a week.

Looking forward to the updated Baltic.

>playing as the birthcountry of serbian film

why tho?

>playing sweden instead of denmark

The true starting date should have been 1356. and Serbia should have been the shadow protagonist of the game.

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Post Europe

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Hopes for Vicky 3?

What's the mod adding victoria 2 pop mechanics to eu4?

Sweden is the most based nordic country.

I hate growing into an unstoppable blob of land and power, but I just can't stop myself, what do?

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This is the most fun region to play with in EU and in pretty much all strategic games.

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Play tall.
Preferably in a game where playing tall is fun and viable

>Check Asia
>Ming is fully occupied by some jap and horde nation
>Jap war is like 71~ years long

Italy got pretty fun after Emperor

You like just move on from denial and accept that the EU4 has no meaningful late game and that Parafags patched and changed it to be the WC blobber pseudo 4x where every game gets reduced to a world conquest or ends at late 16xx.


Its ugly

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I had to pulverize France and Austria several times. I'm trying to keep Anglo-Germanic hands off the Mediterranean now.

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no one

What did you start with to form Italy? How big of a pain in the ass is being surrounded and having to conquer empire provinces and the Papal State?

Started as Milan.
Pretty much every province in Italy was pain in the ass for some reason or another.
Firenze got Lucca and Siena and remained in the empire ut was allied with Savoy. So I had like 5 wars against Savoy just taking A province from Firenze each time.
The AE is such you must take siplomatic first and have permanent improve relations adviser and high prestige and from the pope that thing and traders set for establish communities and 5 diplomats working on improving with every small shit in the empire.
Naples ping pongs from alliances with France and getting PUd by Aragon and Castile.
Venice allied Genoa ROFL
Provance allied to France, Swiss allied with Poland
Ferara allied with Austria

Popa was allied with Hungary and Castile
Aragon took most of Sicily from Naples

Literally you will not get one province without some bullshit involved.

1618 and that's all you've conquered so far?

Forgot to add that the mission tree is ass and you will sit on something impossible to complete and do the things for the next one down the treeline and not get the bonus. In the image I have to take 3 Austrian provinces but we are allied and I cant break with him until I fuck over Spain and ottomemes.

It looks like a later start date.
Also nothing wrong with playing tall.

Why would you pick Sweden for playing tall?

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Is it still super boring to play tall in EU4?

The only friend of mine who has multiple kids plays paradox games.