Perma banned for playing Torb too much

Perma banned for playing Torb too much.

You can't make this shit up. I'm so glad this company is failing.

Attached: Torb.jpg (362x595, 32.32K)

>Playing modern Blizzard games

Show proof

typical lying chud, you were probably being racist and toxic

now stfu, take your meds + bbc therapy. Now.

Nope. Wasn't cheating and wasn't racist or toxic in any way, other than reports for being toxic for playing Torb.

maybe they looked at your gameplay and thought you were throwing, either way that sucks user

I thought Blizzard games were all about letting people enjoying things

This is what failing looks like according to Any Forums.

Attached: Activision Blizzard stock .png (674x553, 51.38K)

That's actually based, unlike banning people for saying the n word
>Ruin people's fun in a way they can not stop you
>Get banned

Good. Mains get the rope

>pay $60
>play the character I want to play
>get banned
not even OP but lol

shitters getting banned sounds very based

now pick a currency that's not getting assrailed by Russia's gas pipe and show me that graph again

Attached: f.jpg (400x400, 19.51K)

>Ruin peoples fun

you can't be this stupid lol
it could have been in nuka cola caps and it would have been the same

>not getting assrailed by Russia's gas pipe
Definitely not us dollar too

Attached: 1650242560448.png (1455x956, 1.37M)

Now you get the chance to play an actually good game and better yourself, thank Blizzard

I have like 5 banned accounts on ow, players can't wait to report you. everyone is frustrated and plays only to ruin someone elses game. Also the game iteslf will pair you with losers so you find it even harder to climb.


sadly theres nothing close to ow.

lol torb is so good for trolling people.
You can do fuck all but troll and your turret still does something so half the time people dont notice
Also most people hate him, and you can put the turret in really dumb places to piss your team off

Reminder that most of the petrol problems today are because of the American demented vegetable president killing the US oil production (then begging the Arabs for more oil and was ignored lol).
The gas problems only really affect certain retarded countries in Europe that ignored warnings for many years and killed their own nuclear energy programs