Why is it so bad?

Why is it so bad?

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It's not

open world garbage

kojimbo got fired halfway through development

I just started playing this a couple days ago and I think it's pretty good so far.

It's the only fun metal gear without Rising in the name.

>really bad plot
>open world is massively underutilized
>mother base is boring as fuck and a waste of time to run around in
>some of the worst boss fights in a series known for one of if not the best boss fights in video games
>a PSP game does some mechanics better because PP is unfinished
>GZ had better level design by miles and GZ wasn't really amazing in any way and is 600 times smaller than PP
>does not pay attention to details the way that previous games in the series would
>completely unnecessary canon-wise, fixes plot holes that weren't even there to begin with and fucks up the story that's already a mess
>you see practically everything the game has to offer 10 hours in, after that gets extremely repetitive
>ported mechanics from a handheld game 1:1 like having to wait for development of stuff (even though, again, Peace Walker did it better)

The way to enjoy PP is to not be a Metal Gear fan. You cannot dispute any of the above, I've just stated facts without even getting to the nitpicky shit that ruins your enjoyment of it even more.

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-Empty open world
-Poor story delivery. Peace Walker could get away with the tapes because it was a portable game but V was just kojimbo being cheap and lazy

Konami fucked with the development.

It's not. It's SOLID, like this V.


Chapter 2 is unfinished

>anime pic
opinion discarded

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Well, well...

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The open world curse.

unfinished game.

>really bad plot

>some of the worst boss fights in a series known for one of if not the best boss fights in video games
Also sone of the best boss, like the sniper skulls

>completely unnecessary canon-wise, fixes plot holes that weren't even there to begin with and fucks up the story that's already a mess
It doesn't fuck up anything. It's a standalone game first with some auxiliary ties to the main continuity. Just like every good MGS that is not 4 or PV (the worst ones)

> anime poster
Opinion objectively discarded

I've tried Phantom Pain a few times but usually give up just after picking up the Rocket Launcher (Stinger?) from the caves. I'm just not having fun. I love the previous games, including GZ. I think the main issue really is the empty open world.

>open world is massively underutilized
I always see this but I disagree. The bases and villages are the main point of the game, the open world is there to allow for dynamism around those, such choosing your path in and out, having room for chase sequences to spill out into, and allowing interaction between the bases over a the course of a single mission like with transportation of targets.

Not that user but I loved playing around and fucking with the guards in MGS2 and 3 in their self-contained zones. Yet in 5 I find it pointless, even with the ability to gather people and resources I find myself avoiding all optional guards and outposts. Maybe I've changed since the formula is the same with added incentives to have encounters.

I loved the game but even I agree that the open world was underutilized. Mainly because of tech limitations. Imagine the maps feeling like actual battlefields and you coming across random encounters between factions. I think that's what they were aiming for but simply couldn't do it due to the game having to come out on PS360. They do feel too static between missions and I can see why guys that play the games like completitionists en up bored

>Quit playing the game before I get any companions
Am I missing out? I have the horse but I think that's default. I've never met Quiet or gotten the dog or anything else. Should I try again? Is there a companion designed for a full frontal attack like the Terminator?

>Is there a companion designed for a full frontal attack like the Terminator?
Yes but thats around 2/3 rds of the game

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