Is downloading ROMs as bad as stealing cars?

Is downloading ROMs as bad as stealing cars?

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Just copying your car bro

Different kinds of goods. Files can be copied while cars can't

>abloobloo you're stealing from capitalists!!
>those Activision CEOs aren't going to afford a fifth gold toilet if you don't buy their game
Don't care

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This. Twitter person is just a fool

The law doesnt care about your feelings or subjective justifications.
Piracy is illegal. Full stop.

Tendies get so butthurt that PCchads play their games for free and at better resolution and frame rate lmfao

Who cares if it's illegal, it's not like you can stop me kek

counterfeiting ≠ theft

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>search up name
>first results is pokeshit reactions and red arrows

copying isn't stealing

Data and cars (or any physical object for that matter) are inherently different things.

It's always about Nintendo, not Activision. Disingenuous tendie.

He sounds either mentally disabled or like a barely functioning alcoholic.

Illegal =\= Crime you illiterate retard

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Both are acceptable.

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>how is "Ubisoft is saddened to say our platform is going down and you won't be able to play Assassins Creed:Somethingsomething ever again despite paying for it" different from "I'm going to steal this car"

Nintendo sure can though. I submit reports to them once a week about every romsite that's still up.
Ziims Domain
Every Mega, Google Drive, and archive that I find

/vg/ makes it very easy to submit reports since emugen has a list of every "reputable" rom site that's still active.

The law is made by a bunch of old people that are bribed by anyone who's got the money. See RIAA and its war on digital tapes

nintendo does not deserve 60 dollars for old games.
if my game collection depreciates with time, so should their digital shit.

then how come they are still up, shit poster?

What a good goy you are

I think I will download Xenoblade 3 now.

No one cares tendie, we will continue to take while you play on your subpar Shitch

>be gorillion dollar corporation
>fans of your merchandise act as slave drones to defend your every action
Thanks for the free shit faggots, I'll emulate what ever the fuck I want.

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I believe legally, you can make your own roms, using your own media, but not put it up for download or download a rom even if you own it.

stuff costs money to make, a game being copied means publishers have less reasons to make new game, or make changes to said game sequels based on the reception be it good or bad. developers get paid either way, but if the game does bad thanks to piracy, the devs may or may not secure their jobs for the future.

a stolen car affects both makers and the buyers.

just show some dignity and restraint yourself from playing vydia you cant afford, its not like there arent tons of free vydia to play all over the pc and consoles.

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if people could download cars you know god damn well they would

Dont know, dont care. My job is reporting copyright infringement to Nintendo. They'll get around to it if and when they decide it's a problem.
It's why I do it every Tuesday.

It's legal in my country
Feels good not to live in a 3rd world country like the US

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dont care, still installing my cunny mods

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Nintendo normally doesnt go for the individual, they go for the guys putting them on the internet for everyone to download, of for guys making a profit out of the roms

Nobody downloads ROMs. That's just a myth made up by corporate shills. Everyone has the original cartridges; they're so common that--even in this age of complete and total gouging by resellers--you can still get stuff like Ocarina of Time for $20. They've also made their own legal personal backups, as the technology has existed for decades and frankly any hobby shop will let you rent a Retrode 2 for $5 a day. If you think I'm lying or being facetious to any degree, then you're just a third worlder that's let yourself get doomraped by how poor of a state you falsely believe the world to be in.

>if my game collection depreciates with time, so should their digital shit.
except that for nintendo games, their price probably goes up

Technically you're not copying software. You're modifying your hardware into a state where it can perform a specified order of processes.

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for me, the day nintendo closed some emu sites was the greatest day of my life, but for you...

it was Tuesday


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