Why is Mark Hamill in denial that he voiced Majima?

Why is Mark Hamill in denial that he voiced Majima?

Attached: v8yvmvd7al461.png (601x862, 251.6K)

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OP can't read.

Adrenochrome is a hell of a drug.

why does your text have rgb rendering artifacts

Hamill can only do his one joker voice.

Hamill looks too shitty to be in the adenochrone club.

There is video evidence

I feel sorry for Mark. you could just see how dead he was inside after the last Jedi

VAs do so many jobs that its easy to understand how they keep track of them, especially in video games. All of voice acting voice acting is done by a handful of induvial with broad vocal range. Just look at anyone's behind the voice actors page.

>doesn't remember a role in a series he hasn't touched for almost 20 years

>broad vocal range
lol I wish

That's called chromatic aberration. Probably has something to do with the type of phone he is using and how it handles compressing to pngs

Could have at least posted the ps2 version. He had nothing to do with the remake

I mean he did post the remake instead of the original.

Also this, and the Yak 1 wasn't nearly popular enough when it first came to America for him to get asked about it often, I'm sure.

>Hamill doing KIRYU-CHAN! *glomp*
...I can't see it.

Is there any evidence that this has actually happened? Seriously

I'm the second user, and meant it (mostly) metaphorically.
Hollywood runs on exploitation whether they actually extract magic juice from the brains of children or not.

Why have you done this.

The vax got his brain.

No, it's just one of those /x/ conspiracies.
Hollywood exploitation is certain though.

> Actor pretends to forget about series that didn't rehire him for the role ever
Gee wow user clearly this should be taken at face value.

Attached: 1632159438404.png (202x211, 1.42K)

Isn't this pretty common? I swear I remember a story about someone not knowing they voiced someone in Portal until like a decade after the game came out.

Yeah, voice actors at conventions say this shit all the time to obscure old roles from years ago because for working actors it is just a job. However when you are on Twitter and a quick search is well in reach and you EMPHAISIZE that you forgot a job, I'm willing to go on a limb and say that he is probably throwing shade at Sega, despite the fact that abandoning the idea that the Yakuza should sound like the Italian Mafia for just using the Japanese voices is an obvious choice if you believe in the material and his voice was probably the only redeeming factor of that dub, and even then he was just playing The Joker.

(They also didn't hire him when they started doing dubs again, and I can't imagine he is too happy about that either.)

Maybe if the fucking glue eater actually posted the version of Majima that Mark Hamill posted.
The dude is like 70, he probably goes 100% by image memory.

Attached: majima.png (1654x967, 1.25M)