Retro Shooter/Boomer Shooter Thread

Let's have a retro shooter/boomer shooter thread. Discuss and recommend your favorites. What games are you looking forward to? Older games (ie quake, doom, blood) welcomed.

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Looking forward to Postal Brain Damaged to go on sale, because I'm cheap. Fingers crossed a new Quake is in the works that doesn't go full strogg

When is Ion Fury: Aftershock?

>boomer shooter

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I used the term retro shooter bc someone always bitches about the term "boomer shooter", and you're still whining about it.

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should release on steam soon

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Why did all these "boomer shooters" start being made and played only after Doom 2016's success?

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metadoom is epic

That is such a fucking retarded term. Almost as bad as people referring player characters as "toons".

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you're using it

hrot is terrible

AKSE if fun, but it's quite literally Quake in almost every way possible. so, if you're ok with that then cool

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I still like Ion Fury ;_;

hrot is okay, i like that the dev is consistent with the updates
amid evil has some of my favorite weapons in a retro style shooter but god damn are the levels confusing
dusk overall is the best out of all of them and it's not even close

that said, luv me blood, luv me doom 2, luv me quake, 'ate hexen, simple as

>he calls video games video games

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I really appreciate the fact that Amid Evil has a totally unique set of enemies per chapter. Its like you get to relearn parts of the game each time, which keeps the game engaging. It also has some very striking level design (the crazy geometry of the crystal enemies levels was great).
The bosses could be a bit disappointing, but that's like most shooters.