Will they ever fuckin fix Elden Ring performance?

Will they ever fuckin fix Elden Ring performance?

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Poorfag problems

Yes, as soon as you upgrade your PC, works every time


>Just consoom the latest cards bro!

How about you suck my dick

Probably not, right? They couldn't be assed to release a Pro patch for Bloodborne, I don't think we're getting any improvements until they upgrade engines for this new generation.

Dark Souls 3 was ok, but Sekiro had like a perfect optimized port

Stop consooming electricity you sheep

>The latest card uses 0.1% less electricity, I'ts worth it!


Because Sekiro was handled by Activision, not Bandai.

no u

dear lord the consoomer ""meme"" is so fucking retarded
>my gpu is from 2006, what do i look like a fucking consoomer to you??

The bigger point is that It's the same engine, It's also not stable not even on the PS5 version.

So you are just projecting you being poor then?

Every single game runs fine with my current GPU, im not going to buy a new one for 5fps upgrade on 1 game lmao because of a terrible port.

game runs 60fps maxed out on my 1060. Stop being poor?

No it doesn't, not the entire game, stop lying lmao.

>doesn't list his gpu

just did

There's no need, it already made billions, retards flocked to it like flies to shit, there's no need for actual effort now.

They can't even implement DLSS or FidelityFX, what makes you think they will go out of their way to fix it?

Imagine complaining that a 2016 200$ gpu doesn't get good frames on a 2022 game. Maybe console gaming is more your speed just sayin

what's wrong with it?

works on my machine

Attached: fuel.jpg (2563x1440, 1.13M)

git a good computer

Stop running it with EAC
EAC is a rootkit virus

Fix what? It works without issues on my AMD Linux computer.

>1974 Mhz core
>8000 Mhz RAM
>~120W at full load
1060 aka an outdated midrange card?

the problem is the said game doesn't look any better than any 2016 games, creating the illusion that "my card should've handled this fine", ffs witcher 3 looks miles better than eldenturd

the game looks miles better than DS3 you're just a coping poorfag just play at 768p or something

Just play the version without DRM. That's really the only thing destroying the performance.

>noooo why doesn't my 6 years old midrange card run new games well
You retards wouldn't last a year in the late 90s/early 00s