Why was it so popular?

Why was it so popular?

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Appealed to retarded twitter users and the Homosuck fanbase

Goat milf

zoomers have never touched earthbound

Undertale mogs it in every way, so why would they

because sans undertale

Say what you want about it, but the soundtrack legitimately kicks fucking ass.

Because he stole from older games with kickass soundtracks

it happens

Attached: 1647356490906.png (600x635, 231.88K)

it's fun


>Appealed to the Homestuck and Tumblr fanbase
>Was shilled on Any Forums by Toby to try out Undertale
>Tons of popular Youtubers streamed it when it was brand new
>Officially available in various languages
It's not hard

>Hurr durr muh earthbound
You'll be forever mad that no one actually played your obscure jrpg

Such as?

Cute story, very casual, and a sountrack that only a contrarian pretends isn't a masterpiece.



It was an actual rpgmaker game in a sea of shitty animu asset flip games

Toby Fox and that Lisa guy hired shills to bombard reddit and Any Forums. The catalog was 80% those games where it was obvious it wasn't organic.


it was game maker actually

Right place right time, great music, retard simple gameplay to allow anyone in

>Twitter users

God, the Tumblr-refugees did such a good job of changing people's perception of Twitter that even Tumblr's history is being attributed to Twitter too.

it was designed to review well with the kind of patheric faggots who review games and cashed in on the fragile narcissism of millenials / zoomers.

Attached: undertale tranny.jpg (400x299, 38.43K)


It appeared at the right place in the right time.

Filling a spot of content in a hiatus apparently named Omegapause, and being made by one homestuck contributor.

And having content and "relatable" characters that many liked.