Would 'The Binding of Isaac' be better if all the items had descriptions for what they did? Like they do in mods...

Would 'The Binding of Isaac' be better if all the items had descriptions for what they did? Like they do in mods? Or is it cheating/detracting from something?

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Nah, the more complex but subtle effects just need better hint descriptions.

if you find trial and error fun, go knock yourself out with it. me I prefer not to waste my time unraveling edmunds cryptic descriptions, which most of the time are just references or catchphrases.

Yeah no reason why it shouldn't give a short description for items before picking them up.
But the biggest issue is that 90% of the items are complete shit

it kind of needs them ever since they added items that straight up kill you

if you were to add descriptions, it would make the most sense to allow you to view them in the collection grid, like an encyclopedia of sorts.
while the external item descriptions mod is convenient, with many items it takes up half the screen and is ugly as sin.

It doesn't matter to me, I've literally memorized every single item effect based on the sprite. It's gotten to the point where seeing a sprite of a quality 4 item releases dopamine into my brain even when I'm not playing the game.

>northernlion stopped playing in favor of the autochess game
>have to watch trannies, furries and worse, koreans instead
Just want to watch a few runs before I get home and play

northernlion does not want to play this game anymore, he's been playing it for ten fucking years. he's only doing it because he knows people will be upset if he stops.

The UI isn't really handled to equip it well.
Issac with mods starts to remind me of this picture a bit, with how much shit can end up on screen.

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This RNG Progression Game, as it isn't a roguelike, would indeed be better with mods as default.
As part of the 'Roguelike' elements, the developers insist that you shouldn't know what items do what until you experiment for an 'authentic' roguelike experience

Which is utter bullshit

Does that faggot still show his face on his videos? Reason I stopped watching him

>mfw noticing immaculate heart in a picture of Mary

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Can't believe the bible ripped off this small indie game so much.

this game has unironically too much content.

and i hate how the coolest items are behind the biggest grinds

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Just watch Sinvicta

>and i hate how the coolest items are behind the biggest grinds
I love this part. Usually 100%ing a game leaves you with a hollow sense of "okay, i've done it all, next game" but in this game you get the best item so far that truly lets you experience some wacky combos you weren't able to before because they were too unlikely. Like getting dr fetus + rocket in a jar.

he's a cheater

this but unironically
i'm nearing 2k hours and i'm still seeing new rooms and item combos

Honestly, unless you like the grind you should probably mod this game and cheat in all item/character unlocks but do this without cheating in the area/ending unlocks along with item descriptions. I know you could do this with the base game and all DLC before Repentance, but I don't know how to with Repentance.

He has the most boring and safe play style ever

all Isaac players still playing the game that aren't streaming are 100% cheaters now

that's the faggot that cheats on his streak, right?
why bother if there's no stakes?

The game is pretty much unplayable without a mod to display item descriptions and remove item weightings.