4 months after Elden Ring

>4 months after Elden Ring
>western devs are still mad about its success

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Always related

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I don't know who these retards are. Don't bother telling me.


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now if only Elden ring were actually good

KEK Incel ring dicklets can't handle BOTW's giant cock

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The Ubisoft-style Tab menus are their own special kind of hell too.

Putting equipment in the inventory tab would just make it more bloated and fiddly to use.

Because the people who say they want those games don't buy them

>Not being able to equip armour from the inventory and having to go to a separate "equipment"
What's wrong with that? I feel like that's how most games I play work. It makes sense to me for games to work like this.

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> independent
Fromsoft is subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation

Don't they have a great deal of autonomy regarding the development of their games?

I think it's wrong.
These shit eaters don't know any better, they genuinely think shit gold.
Look at OP's pic going on about mental models like what they're doing is all calculated and scientific.

Someone post the 2042 ui clip

I like both styles. Why is this even a problem?

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Pretty much every game has equipment and items separate, in fact it’s dogshit design to put armor and weapons in the same inventory as regular items.

The only thing bad about Elden rings UI is getting a new item and having no idea where the fuck it is or what it is

Todd knows better than to invoke the wrath of tendies. That's why he released Skyrim on Switch for full price and sold another million copies.

It's pretty much unique to Nip games but it's not a huge deal at all.
Now, those faggy radial menus Western devs makes, the objective marker-based quest design, the detection indicators on top of enemies's heads, those are things that hold gaming back.

They will never figure out that including features that retards want leads to > *drumroll* > making games FOR retards.

No artistic masterpieces, no gameplay vision, just 'tard welfare elements slapped onto been-there-done-that content.

That is why DSII will always be the best. They took their been-there-done-that content and slapped ANTI-tard elements onto it, which is a big-cock move if I've ever seen one.

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>People who made good games mad because literall trash being priced to own da cazuls
I wonder why

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Fromsoft isekai when?

These people have no understanding of culture and tradition.
The formula from the first Dark Souls rarely changed at all up to Elden Ring and it was solely "incrementally" adjusted for each release.
Everything about all these games are familiar from the start. New players can adjust to it and veteran players can just plug-in-play.

Besides, all you need to do is equip Radahn's Armor and you don't have to switch out to anything else after that.

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We've forgotten how to be sloppy in the west. Devs have a playbook for "proper" design and they study player habits and adjust everything to account for the feedback until everything looks and feels the same. Everything is clean efficient and thoroughly over designed. Then something comes along that doesn't bother with any of that and it feels special because it's different and it has its own personality.

Close but not quite
It's not that they're jealous of others being able to do what they want and find success, but rather that others have shown that their own sole professional skill is not only useless but also WRONG

They've spent god-knows how much money and time learning and preaching the "right" way to do things, then along comes this one weird foreign game that flies in the face of your entire philosophy and makes a billion dollars. Why wouldn't they seethe at From? A random bunch of retarded foreigners who do everything "wrong" have just jeopardized their job security, because now every time they try to convince the industry that their skillset and ideas are the right way to do things, they can point at Elden Ring and go "well what about that?"

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Goddamn I loved bop it.

>12 million copes
I audibly kek'd

I think japanese people have a defect in their brains that prevents them from actually having good quality of life features in their games

Did they fix how atrociously it runs on consoles or is the ps4 on ps5 still the only version that works properly?

This was from March you weasel