Melty Blood

>make shit game
>people stop playing
I love karma

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more like
>make fightan
>no crossplay
>game dies
>lol how could this happen?

what are the numbers for melty blood community edition?

>anime players can't handle it when there's a mechanics that stops them from going unga bunga on offense

who is going to try to get into an incredibly broken niche fighting series where everyone has 15 years experience over them?

It genuinely is just straight up worse than MBAACC and didn't make itself different enough so that people don't just go back to MBAACC,

There was also a very large amount of mindbroken GG players who bandwagoned it but they were always going to quit and go back to pretending to play AC

This is always a shit argument from players looking for an excuse not to try.

Skills in most genres are interchangable. A guy who has played CS 1.6 for 15 years is still going to fuck you in overwatch. And he should, because he is better. You should try to get better too instead of crying over the fact that someone who practiced and experienced can beat you on day 3.

not that user but the point of people doing multiplayer (especially children) isn't that they think they'll be making thousands in an arena after a month of playing a game. It's about getting to a minimum standard of competence. The requirements for that and the raw skill transferrence are much smoother in fps than fighting games. A scrub will pick up the basics of overwatch faster than melty blood without considering abstract shit like neutral or oki. There's also more learning by doing rather than spending hours in aim maps, which top players don't recommend

I like it a lot.

Damn I guess we can't play the BR mode since we have under a hundred people...

>No crossplay
>Missing fan favorites because Nasu is autistic and doesn't want new readers to his 20 year old VN spoiled about Nrvnsqr
I still think the pricepoint killed it more than shield or anything else did

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And obviously, fighting game players don't consider any audience other than 20-30 year olds, not remembering that when they came into the genre as children, FGs were about equal to modern FPSes when it came to pick up and play *at minimum levels of competence*

>A Yoshinori Trollno production
Why is anyone surprised? SF4 was a fluke.

I dunno about that, user. Fighting Games required similar investment to now in comparison to FPS. It's just most people were willing to put in the "work," now a days people aren't and rightly so: Modes don't explain shit, online is shit and matchmaking is busted.

Those 20-30 year olds put up with it because they grew up with it. Anyone else won't.

Nah, the game actually sold a shitload more than anyone expected, to the point where they made a bunch of free DLC just because they had already met their launch goals probably multiple times over
Everyone just gave up on it really quickly because it feels ass to play. Also there was no PC beta the netcode was awful for a couple weeks until they managed to mostly fix it.

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>MBTL came out on the Xbox One

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i love playin this game as Kohaku i just fuck around and do stupid shit all the game and works!
thank you Kohaku

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>Fighting Games required similar investment to now in comparison to FPS
I wouldn't say so. Modern FGs are stuffed with a million mechanics in order to try to satisy newcomers by giving them comeback options or defense, and also add "complexity" for veteran players. Older games had a much narrower set of intended mechanics and controls. WW was 8 directions, 3 punches and 3 kicks. SF6 is about to have like 6 Drive mechanics on top of everything else. The genre's a confused mess that the 20-30 yos put up with out of brand loyalty
MS have always wanted a JP audience, that's how business works. Japan are just kind autistic about only buying Japanese consoles

TL's peak player count is over 1/3 of Strive's, that should be enough for a niche game like this.

WW had reversals, throws, specials, frame traps etc. like every other fighter, but it also had rebda cancels, something unique to CPS1 SF2

What could have saved the game, other than more characters?

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and for the record, i'm 28, and a mostly lapsed FG fan. I like Battle for the Grid but I checked out of 99% of the genre over the last five years.
72 players aren't really a lot even for a niche game.

>rebda cancels and frame traps
There's a reason I'm talking about minimum levels of competence here, user. Literal kids weren't learning that shit from day 1 of trying an arcade game

If everything didn't feel like a direct downgrade from the previous game.

Even the new "high res" art is low res and pixelated, but without the soul.

Renda cancels*
Yeah and kids weren't learning how to bunny hop and wall jump in Apex Legends the first week, but source engine veterans were.

I said peak player count dumbass.

you guys suck at FG's Any Forums can't play fighting thats a fact. playing Lumina is fine i like it the only thing that nees to be fix is the fucking shield.
doing offense feels so risky! nobody blocks! i like blocking in my games dammit!
make the shield breaking or something like unist or something like that.

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Dealing with shield sucks
It's not a big surprise people dropped the game

>50 bucks
>no summer sale

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It's by no means a bad game, but it is a discord fighter. Not that that's anything surprising for this series.

Kids/newcomers (my mistake for overfocusing on one) aren't expected to learn the high level shit from minute 1 by going into empty maps, even by veterans. And there are more modes in a lot of the games for people to just fuck around while they learn. With modern FGs, there's a frontload of info where veterans are expecting everyone coming in to have the same mindset and learning process as themselves.

You know I think this game feels like an anime game like before. a lot of crap and ignorant moves.
people are already used to a more grounded type of game by SFV that's why Strive doesn't feel like an anime game it feels like AnimeSFV I'm not talking like ahh it's anime SF NO.
I mean it feels like SFV

No because of shields

any retard can pick up an fps on pc. it's point, click, and press WASD with some extra keys thrown in for things like crouching, grenades, sprinting, etc. FPS games are also team-based, so you don't need to outskill them, you can just hit them while they look at someone else or wait for someone to bring down their health before engaging, no matter if the enemy is bunny hopping, strafing, doing loop-de-loops, anything.
in fighting games it's just you and the opponent, and if they're better you'll get bodied. in most fighting games you'll get annihilated because of how fast there are or how many mechanics you've yet to learn, etc. etc.
i've tried to play all the Jojo fighting games, SF3: 3rd strike, DBFZ, Melty Blood, that Under Night in Birth game, and others, but the only fighting game that has played well, had a good speed, had good matchups, and felt like it wasn't just spamming keys, was Tekken 7.
all fighting games should be like Tekken. if your game is like Street Fighter, you failed.