ESA Summer 2022

Now: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Next: Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
Later: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus

Stream: (embed)

Previous thread:

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They're having way too much fun and I'm feeling uncomfortable...

did that dono say he was hungover

Thread rules:

Stay Hydrated
Wear your mask
Social distance
Stand up and stretch
Check in on yourself
Take your meds
LGBTQIA+ Lives are Human Lives


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german here
zero clues

>eat it up reddit
>uses emulator rewind

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My run is up next! Wish me luck!

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user migration

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>uses emulator rewind
it's in the port :^)


>bone Carmilla

So why are burgers allowed to participate again ?

Imagine drinking

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>gave her the big cock

This is unbearable

Can you fuck off.

what am i looking at

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Can we all agree to ignore the OP who forces his shit non-ESA images on us and creates threads immediately as soon as 500 posts are reached

>bone carmilla

that's not how it works

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Why are Euro trannies allowed to run Geoguesser again?

Can't beat the cock, man


>advertising gdq

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Basically said greetings from Hannover, which is a city

>Not going to bone Carmilla
>Give her the cock instead

god don't get me started again

My wife :)

so is the rewind legal?

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This is not GDQ, your rules are worthless here in euromaster zone!

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Based OP
Keep on doing a good job!

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>american runner
>everybody is having a good time
Kinda based ngl

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all these games all these characters they kill dracula...
but he just comes back

whats going on in the castlevania story

Apparently. It's a Z from me tho.

post more stealth pics!

Dracula comes back every 1000 years cause magic or some shit

Is it just me or is Bobby more having more fun at ESAs than GDQs?


went to do some stuff during that boring ass geocringe run. ANYTHING HAPPN?

It was not by his hand that he was once again given flesh

Dracula rises once a century, one chance for each Belmont to shine.. Until he and his castle was sealed in the solar eclipse when IGA fucked up the story to kingdom hearts tier cringe

Circle of Moon is the worst metroidvania from the entire franchise riddled with cancer amounts of grinding, this glitched speedrun makes it even more boring as there is not even fighting involved.

The fat reddit streamer also doesn't help

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There is no other well know vampires and nips can't into imagination sometimes.

what is this dude talking about

He's entertaining enough to carry it. I'm at least engaged.


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many such cases

imagine not having to watch every word and gesture and eye movement for haram in case you get life banned from the event and harassed for the next several months

Pretty fun desu.

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>There is no other well know vampires
>who is Nosferatu

As long as his castle comes back, he's bound to resurrect. His castle got sealed in 1999, so he remains dead for the last 5 games and the games start revolving on how to get a replacement for Dracula instead.

Just sage and report ops threads if he continues to make them at 500

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Why is there a chicken attacking bosses and 1 shotting them what is this

He gets to start his runs for starters.

Someone nips don't know

i hate how overly joyous spics can be, i simply don't get it.


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um its actually cockatrice

>report something that doesn't break the rules
Are you trans? You sound like you're trans.

They aren't canceling his runs in here.

They always yell "let's go"
But never "how are you going"

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bobby actually has more friends at ESA than he does at GDQ and the friends he has work behind the scenes so he can be a little more free with his dialogue and actions where as with GDQ there's the worry he might get told off or banned. ESA crowds are usually a little more easier to deal with than GDQ's which are usually obnoxious and too loud/out of control. He's also close buddies with everyone else who runs Castlevania games and most of them are Euro's

Ameribros, we did it

I'd argue that Vampire Killer MSX is the worst metroidvania and the only actually bad one. Circle and Simon's Quest are still very playable.

>blog donations

>people who don't like me are...LE TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY
Go back.

I've never seen this Castlevania game before, but something about it reminds me of Metroid: Zero Mission.

We really are living in a society...

Actually I only actually finished the game for the first time past week

>Controls suck ass you have to double tap to run EVERY SINGLE TIME or install a fan patch
>Getting the cards skills you have to farm for 0.2% droprates or also install a fan patch (which still doesn't quite fix the balance)
>Bosses have ridiculous amount of health, your protagonist does no damage unless you farm
>Worst castle layout possible, really bad dead ends in the map, some save rooms are really far away from bosses
>Ice Enemies and everything about them being absolute cancer and they make you want to wish to leave the area asap
>No shops
>The only useful subweapon is the boomerang, every single other is useless

If some of the issues were fixed, it's actually one of the GBA best action games because this game has great art, great music and some great art design.

Hope you enjoyed my blog post

my grandpa died of cancer, I miss her
love this game btw
greeting from germany
make sure to take the jab

We could've had Metako for this run's couch had he not been sick.

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the toxoplasmosis claims another victim

you're gonna use my threads whether you like it or not and there's nothing you can do about it

Vampire Killer was a platformer though

>casual nigger worship
>he's not even African, he's some sort of latino

Oh god


yeah metroidvanias are platformers


>using the rewind feature
lol fuck off

agreed those are just as bad

that's not a metroidvania game


It sucks this run relies so much on that bone RNG

>tfw you will never become the Bone Lord